Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

r8 The Life of GOD .of juftice, all the duties we owe to our i1eighbour, are eminently .comprehended: for he who doth truly love all ·the world, :will he nearly concerned in the interef1 of every one; and fo far fron1 wronging or injuring any perfon, that hewill refent any evil that befa]s ot~crs, as if it h::~ppencd ~o l1imfclf. · By puri!y, I underfiand a due abfiraet-ed– nefs fron1 the body, and n1aflery over the inferior appetites ; or fuch a ten1per and ~Jifpofition of n1ind, as n1akcs a man de– ipiie and abflain from all pleafures and de..: lights of fcnfe or fancy which are finhil in themfdves, or tend to extinguiih or ldfen our rcliili of more divine and intellectual p1cafures wbich cloth alfo infer a refolute– nefs to undergo all thafc hardfhips he tnay n1ect vlith in the performance of his duty. So th:?:t not only chaflity and temper::mce, but alfo chriftian and magnanimity n1ay come under this head. Iiurnili ty imports a deep fenfe of our own meannds, with a hearty and affeCli– onatc acknowledgment of our owing all that we are to the divitie bounty; which is always accompanied with a profound fubmiffion to the will of God, and great deadncfs towards the glory of the world, and applaufe of n;en. Thefe