Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

34 The Lift of God by fixing our love on the di-vine perfecri- • ons, that w-e may have then1 always be– fore us, and derive an impreffion of thetn on ourfelves, and beholding rwith open .f'ace, as in ag1 a./s the glor;· ol the Lord, we may be cbaJJged i.J,:fo the j{zme imag·e, fronz glory to rglorJ'· He who with a generous and holy ambition bath raifecl his eyes towards that uncreated beanty and goodnefs, and ' fixed hi·s affeCtion there, is quite of an·o– ther fpirit, of a more excellent and he– roick temper than the reH: of the wodd; . :and cannot but infinitely difdain all n1ean and unworthy things; will not entertain any' low or bafe thoughts which n1ight difparage his high and noble pretenfions. Love is the greateft and moft excellent thing we are mafters of; and therefore it is folly and bafnefs to bd1ow it unworthily. It is indeed the only thing v~e can call our own. Other tbii1gs may be taken from us by violence; but none can ravHh our love. If any thing elfe be counted ours, · by giving our love we give all, fc) far as we make over our ht·ans and wills, by \vhich we potfcfs our other enjoyments. It is not pofTtble to refufe him any thing, to w ho'11 by love we have given ourfclvcs. Nay, G.nce it is the privilege of gifts to re– ceive their value · fron1 the mind of the