Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

36 Th~ Lift of GOD who really is fo. Thofe unlimited fubmif– fions, which would debaf~ the foul ifdireCt– ed to any other, will exalt and ennoble it wher. -placed here. Thofe chain-s and cords of love are infinitely more glorious than liberty irfctf; this .flavery is more noble than all the empires in the world. Again, As Jivine love cloth advance and The advan- elevate the foul, fo it is rhat tages of di - alfc) which can make it happy. v ine love. The higheft and moft raviihing pkafures, . the n1o1t folid and fubflantial ddights, that hu :11an nature i's capable of, ' are thofe whieh arife from tht: endear– nlents of a well-placed and fucccfsful af- . fccrion. ~rhat which imbitttTs love, and n1akes it ordinarily a very troublefome and · hurctul pailion, is, the placing i.t on thofe ·who ha\'e not worth cnnugh to detcrve it or affeftion and gratitude, to requite ir, or whofe abfence may deprive us of the plea– Cure of their converfe, or their n1iferies occa– fion our trouble. T'o all thefe evils are they expofed, whofe chiefand fuprcm~ affcccion is placed on creatures like thcmfdyes; but the love of God delivers us fron1 th~m all. FirH:, I fay, love muil: needs b1 n1i1CrTh th able, and full of trouble and .e wor 1 o£ the ob- djfquietude, when there is not jcct. worth and excellep{y enough in the