Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

·, T H E L I F E of G 0 D I N T H . E SouL of MAN. Nly dear Friend, THIS defignation cloth give you a title to all the endeavours ·where~y I can ferve The occafioti · your Interefrs; and of this dif– your pious inclinations do fo courfe. l1appily confpire with my duty, that I ihall not need to ftep out of · 1ny ~oad to gratify you; but I nuy at once perfonn .an office of fricndihip, and difchargc an . excrcife of my funCtion, fince th'e advan– cing of virtue and holinefs (which I hope you n1 akc y our 2reatef1 ftu.dy) is the pecu– liar bufinefs of n1y employment. This therefore is the n1oflproper in!lance wherein I c1 n vent rny affection, and cx– prcfs my gratitu de t owa rds you ; and I {hall not any longer delay the perfor– n1ancc of ·the promife I n1ade 'you to tl)is purpofc. For though I know you are pro-vided with be tter helps of this nature than any I can offer you ; nor are you like to n1eet with any thing htre .which .. · A . . • ..