Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

in the Soul of J..1aJt. 57 '' but thinks it i1npoffible for himfelf to '' get a!hore." . Thefe, I fay, or fuch like defponding thoughts, n1ay arife in the The mueafon· n1inds of thofe perfons 'vho ablenefs of begin to conceive f01newhat thefe fears. . 1110re of the n2ture and excellency of reli– gion than before. Th~y have fpied the land, and feen that it is exceeding good, that it floweth with n1ilk and honey; but they find they have the children of Anak to grapple with, 1nany powerful lufl:s and corruptions to overcon1e; and they fear they fh'all never prevail ag~infl: then1. But why fuould we give w~y to fuch difcour– aging fuggefl:ions? wby fuould we enter– tain fuch unreafonable fears, which damp our fpirits and weaken our hands, and augn1ent th~ difficulties of our way? Let us encourage ourfelves, n1y dear friend, let us encourage ourfelve~ with thofe n1ighty aids we are to expect in this fpirit– ual warfare; for greater is he that is for us than all that can rife up againfl: us: The eternal' G ud is our rifug·e, and under- · neath are the everlafling arms*. Ltt us bt flrong in the L _ord, and the power of his might; for it is he that jba!l tread down our enemtes. God hath.a tender regard unto the , »> Deut. xxxiii. 27,