Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

64 The Lift of GOD St., P nul converted in his journey to Da– mafcus. But certainly this is not God's ordinary n1ethod of dealing ·with n1ec. Though he bath not tied hitnfelf to n1eans, yet he bath tied us to the ·ufe of them ; and we have never more rcafon to expeCl: the divine affifiance, than when we are doing our utmofi endeavours. It fhall therefore be my next work, to fhew what courfc we ought to take for attaining that bldfed temper 1 have hitherto defcri– bed. But here, if, in delivering n1y own thoughts, I .!hall chance to differ from \vha~ is or n1ay be faid by others ih thig n1atter, I would not be thought to contra– dict and oppofe them, more than phyfi– cians do when they prefcribe feveral re-. n1edies for the fame difea(e; which per– haps arc all ufeful and good. Every one n1ay propofe the n1ethod he judges n1oft proper aqd conv'enient; but he cloth not thereby pretend that the cure can never be effeCted, unlefs that be exactly obferved~ I doubt it bath occafioned much unne– cdfary difquietude to fome holy perfons, that they have not found fuch a regular . and orderly tranfaetiqn in their fouls, as they have feen defcribed in books: that they have not paffed through all thofe fieps 2nd fiages ofconverfion, which fotne (who perbap$ ....... ~·