Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

·66 'The Life of GOD mortal wound to the foul, and puts it at a greater difiance fron1 God and goodnefs·: and we can never hope to have our hearts purified from corrupt affeCtions, unlefs \Ve cleanfe our hands fron1 vitious aCtions. Now in this cafe we cannot excu{e our– fdves by the pretence. of impoffibility; for fu·re our outward inan is fo1ne way in our– power; we have fome con1mand of our– feet, and hands, and tongue, . nay at1d of .our thoughts and fancies too; at leaft fo far as to divert then1 from impure and; !inful objeCts, and to turn our n1it1d ano– ther way: and we ihould ·find this ·power– and authority much fl:rengthened and ad-– vanced, if we were careful to manage and– cxercifc it. In .the mean while, I acknow--· letigc our corruptions are fo fl:rong, and; our temptations fo niany, that it will re– qui re a great deal of fiedfaftnefs and refo-– lution, of watchfulnefs- aad care, to pre– ferve ourfclves, even- in this degree- of in-- . nocence and puri-ty. And, fi.rfl:, Let us.infonn ourfelves well; . ·nr r1 "· wha.t thofe fins are frotn ne fl1UI\ KOOW ·what things are wh1ch w~ ought to abfl:ain~ 1infuL And here we mufl: not take n1eafures fron1 the maxin1s of the world', or the praCtices of thofe whom in charity w.e account g~ood n1en. Mofr people have- - -very