Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

7~ · The Life of GOD frame which ihould render our devotions acceptable; yet methinks fuch confider– ations as have been propofed to deter us fron1 fin, n1ay alfo fiir us up to fome na– tural ferioufnefs, and m~ke our prayers againfi it as earnefi, at leafr, as they are wont to be againfl: other calan1ities. And I doubt not but God, who heareth the cry of the ravens, will have fome regard even to fuch petitions as proceed from thofe na– tural paffions which himfelf bath in1planted in us. Befides that thofe prayers againfi fin, will be . powerful engagen1ents on o_urfelves to excite us to watchfulnefs and ca-re: and common ingenuity will make us aihamed to relapfe into thofe faults which we have lately bewailed Lefore God, and againfl: which \Ve have begged his affifiance. Thus we are to n1ake the firfl: e!fay for It is fit to rerecovering the divine life, by fh ain ourfelves refhaining the natural incH– in many !awful nations, that they break not things. • fi f l n. out 1nto 111 u pracllces. But now I n1ufl: add, that chriftian pru... dence will teach us to abfiain from grati– fications that are not limply unlawful; and that, not only that we may fecurc our innocence, which would be in continual hazard if '\VC fhould firain our liberty to the · utn1ofi: