Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

78 The · Life of GOD But it is not enough to have them under violence and rcfhaint. Our next dl:ay n1ufl: be to wean our af– "YVe mu!1 fhive feclions fro1n created things, to put ourfel vcs and all the delights and enter– out oflO\'e with tainmt11tS Of the lOWCf life, the world. l . l fi . d 1 r h w 11c 1 Ink an oepros t e fouls of men, and retard their motions to– wards G·od and heaven. And this we 1nuft do by pofiefiing our m~nds '~' ith a deep perfuafion of the vanity and empti– nds of worldly enjoyments. T' his is a11 ordinary then1c, ~nd every body can make dcclc:mations upon it. But alas! how few 11nderftand ::md belie·ve what they fay? '=.fhefe notions float in our brain, and .comc :fliding off our tongues; but we have no deep imprdiion of them on our fpirits; we fed not the truth which we pretend to believe. vVe can tell that all the glory and fplendor, all the pleafures and enjoy– n1ents of lhe \vorld, are vanity and nothing; and yet thefc nothings take up all our thoughts, and ingrofs all our affettions: ·they fiifle the better inclinations of our fonl, and inveigle us into many a fin. It rnay be, i-n a fober n1ood, we give them the flight, and re:folve to be no longer de– luded with them ; but thcfe thoughts fel~ donl outlive the next temptation; . t.he,