Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

14 EVERLASTING FATHER. towards them is not of yefterday ; nor fhall it ceaib. to-morrow. What he ever was, he is, and ever will be, to thofe, who are the Objef s of his Grace, and the happy Subjeas of his eternal Redemption. He is GOD, and changeth not. In the LXIII Chapter of Ifaiab, which peculiarly re- lates to the glorious Redeemer, we find the Gentile Church calling upon Him in this Language of the Prophet. Doubtlefs thou art OUR FATHER, though Abraham be ignorant ofus, and though Ifrael acknowledge us not: Thou, JEHOVAH, art OUR FATHER, Our RE- DEEMER, thyNAME isfrom everlafting.* The Redeemer is here Ityled (and what Redeemer is there but7efus ?,) JEHOVAH the FATHER, whofe Name isfrom everlafting Or (in other Words, to the fame Purport) CHRIST is JE- HOVAH, the EVERLASTING FATHER, and REDEEMER. David, in the LXVIII Pfalm, which, by an infalli- ble Expofitor, is applied to the Lord7efus Chrift,-j- ce- lebrates him in his Name JAH, and rejoices before him as a FATHER of the Fatherlefs, and 7udge of the Widows, even GOD in his holy Habitation.1 This is at once a beautiful Exhibition of his fympathetic Tendernefs, anda noble Illuftration of his omnipotent Grace. The Fatherlefs might obtain Fathers, who would pity, but could not fave : jefus, the Redeemer, is the only Fa- ther, who could both commiferate their Wants and fupply them all. The Reafon is given, through the whole Courfe of the Pfalm ; for he is there defcribed, as pothefling all the Names, Attributes, Perfeftions and Natureof the ever.bleffed GOD. And, perhaps, than in this Pfalm, there is not a more fplendid and feraphiç. Celebration of the Saviour's Divinity in all the Bible. We find, by the Prophet feremiah, that the Lord's Redeemed are enjoined, to publ, to praife, and to fay ; O JEHOVAH, fave thy People the Remnant of Ifrael. The Anfwer from JEHOVAH the SAVIOUR is ; .Ì' will caufe them to walk by the Rivers of Waters, in a ftraight way wherein they (hall not Bumble; for I am a s Ifaiah lxüi. a6. i' Heb.'iv. 8. $ Pfalm lxviii. 4, 5. FATHER