Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

190 PRINCE OF PEACE. and the loweft Believer in Jefus. Here, behold Grace without Meafure, and Love without End : Grace free and unmerited by Man ; Love, full and all-flowing from GOD. O that the Sight of the one might lay us low in the Duft of Humiliation ; and the Senfe of the other lift up our Hearts with Hopes full of Immor- tality and Joy ! 'Tis but a little while, ere we (hall hear his gracious Voice of Invitation Paying; Come, ye bleped Children of my Father, inherit the Kingdom pre- pared for you from the Foundation of the World. May our Hearts reply ; We have waited for thy Salvation, O LORD : Thou art our Helper and our Deliverer ; make no long tarrying, O our GOD ! PRINCE OF PEACE. R 1 N CE of Peace ! What an amiable, what an illuftrious Charaéter is here ! 'Tis the exprefs De- fcription, and the unalterable Name, of fefus ; who came into the World to fpeak Peace to his People, and to his Saints, that they might not be turned again unto Folly.* He is a Prince and a Saviour :-1- A Prince; whofe Dominion extendeth over all ; and a Saviour, whofe Kindnefs íhall lait without End. * Piairn lxxxv. 8.- ;a at' 5m. Pago. Et non canvertentur : and they loall not be turned again. I-Atts v. 31. By