Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

, ..54 ·the 'O.!JiceJ of Confoieizre Cap~ 4! . confcience when it doth difch;arge all hjs ~ torenr1med Offices. AMagiftrate, aMinifler, a Judge, a Witnefl, is thengood, ·whe:t fach of themisgoodinhis proper place andf unlli~ on ; and indeed that ev~ry one is in ~ru th, which he is in difcharge of his particular Calling : Then is confcience goud w,hen it pothofficiate·well J and doth the part of ~ Mil#fter, of aMagiftrate, of~ Witneffi., arid · of a Judge. ' . ' In the(e four tefpe8:s, I may fay of con– fcicnce, Ip[a indicat, ipfa imperat,ipfa oh[ervat, . ipfa}udzcat, .as Bern~rdexcellently, Jpfa teftir, ·![c ip[iJ judex, ipJa tortor, ipfa career. Ip[a accufot, fa.P:~· ip[a jui!lic.Jt, ·ipfo punit, ipfadamn1t. A good confcience is a good Miniil:er, a gooq Magifira~e ," a good VVitnefs, a good Judge, th~ beft offriendJ; but an ill coQfcience is an ob{erver of thee, will be an informer a~ gainfr thee, andboth,thineadver{ary, andac- . cufer, andwitnifr, and Jndge and Jaylflr, and Executioner, andTorme-ntor too, the worft of · enemzer. . Hence flow five Corollariu, or conclufions! . Corollary I. Confcience is tM perform hi1 t'l!Po firft Offtce.r) viz. of aMinifier to inform and ~irel1, and of !it King tacommand"'nd pre[cribt h~(ore an:or~ i1 to be done,or when in fieri . Con– fcience lhonld -~all in Underftanding and faith to advi(e with ; an4 heljein imitate · God, whoGen. 1. 26. int'ending toCreate · ~an, propounds l:Us A8ian, propounds his 'JR4~ ~P-4 propou~ds his Model : Let ut mak! ' • f man