Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

The Offices of Confcie,nc~. 59 the Bow offtt~le fb~llflric~e- ~zm through;_ It. i1 Cap. 4~ drawne)&commetl1forth ofhz.sbody;The~lifterzng:. · .. fword commetb out of hi1Ga!J; 'I~rrors are upon him. A1Jdar4_neffi i.r bi:d in bill' fecr~et tJace:r-. ( b f e•. he bath an Epitome·of: tl'lJ the woe.J andm'iflriu ofHell in hi/Joule) afire not btowen Jhall confumehim, as Zophar excellently Allegori- ~eth; ]rJb. 20.24,25. 26. · - · Coroll. 5· VVhen confcience bath ':tlf,ne •ll theft fo ure Offices faithfo l!J, andthengivetb Peace, 'fhi1 i1 the rigTit peace of confcience; 'fhis is the Son ofPe~ce, upon which t'he peace Luk: xo.6. of God, a11d tll.e peaceof the Minifter ever comes. Thus have you feene what a good con(cl– ence is.h. e. when it is purified,and when it is ~aci ficd ; purified from Ignorance, Error, deadndfc; pacilied from tl11e raigne offinne, ~herageofSatan,· and difpleafure of God; both purified~ and pacified by the wor.d; &Iood, and fpirit of Chrift ; And after all doing his four-fold Office in due tinu~· and place,ofa Minifter,"'ofa King, of a Witne!fe, a~dofa Judge.And thus muchofgood. con~ fctence ingenerall. · , I CH,AP. V.