Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

·. ~t1J1gerouUy JV,herz we caufe h}m ~o co~nmit ~n Cap. ·a ,Qffeilce. ,2. _,Whe!J. w_ect!ufe tak.f: an of- __ ...{!!~1ce: Irt ,tlt~. 9h.e Qf thefewe .~~mpt him, ih. t..I~tn e Di– .... ~b.e_.otQerwe.try hig1; i,h ~q~hyre offeJl~ hi.rp'; .1bolicum . -~U~ iri ~ith~r Q(tJwfe }l~S _, fP~!l flo.the lpevils ~~;;~~;:~ !,\\W,orke : By. ~!Ie f91\.mer 1 he l§ ~J!Z!~b/~d, by; the dil proximi -l,nt~r: ·maqe ,Jl!eqke .; _but by_.,bqth ~!fended ; Ruiiwn ~theJ~(!for~ thefe three joyqed together,Ro. quod ~eccttA .14; 2~. It .isgqgq tp dp riothil}gwhereby .£hy ~~~~1x ea· ;br9tb~r m/l1i 'loe iltnnbled,·. or o.lfended' 01' lalnp~uetn-e.. .. ~. ;; ! f . J~~ . . . ~J.' , • ·J qu 1 r tt r •~~~"eak!.. . ·. ~ .~ .. ,, ,. · . . · Di(i.boium, ···,·'": j :· :! r ·... ·; -. -I·, godly, ' Ame5 d~ I r.. n. r ·· -·~. ITtJ .oi,~erJ,__ 9r conf.l.;; 11 !f!IPf'Ll. o men l' h h ,r, • b ea 1~ .·.~··; .a:r ;. .. : ,.., r w1et er t oJewz.t 014t. :. 1 ouence:- g1vm_g · · ·-. , · • , . . ~ _._,. ~- : tnuil:beavoydad 0 fi.l · ~ · ....... , h :. 1 • .. • ~ • ..... 2 . u#• evu• . , -:-· t .} ~ \ • • ( .. I( CO. .... , • ·' • • . ( ( ~~ J .t:· Tqotheri~.. (W~P1illl,take · l)·e~ctwedq,pp~ · :\whe.reJ>~w~ .. fuo~ld qmfe: .~hem to ejfi~Ji:l I Satii.2~ <JiJy.ftll.nir)g; tho~diq~~tifJflin[. ~<!U[e theLor 1 ds 24· . . ·;.fe?ple,tQ tutnfgnfH,)thu$ gJ~L]S~fboatit ca,i(e ~:.m 1 4~ JJlll[rael tofin,and 14hab madetheqi .firu:Vo,-f.e, 1 Kin. 2 t 1 _:; @~dr}e~t~.bef ,rmtdeJb.i$JI~i<::k~cJ..4k~b fo ,bad by 2s . hin~ oh; ~tlius ·do ...dte,W.i<;ked P.r9ph.ets pjfmd; .wl'\o. ftrengthht ...the·p~nds-. o£.th~wi.ckc:.d, t~at none clothr.e.;; -· ''qm<h.iJ. ~ifk.Hl.neft, J er;~3; I 4· . This is ~o ·–!;~tJr.~Jor Hefl,.. and 4gztators_for Satan. ~;{.h~f~ i:a.d~y . die _blood of qth:ers. foLils ori 1:t4,eit.. he'lds tqJlell, p~irlg QPt.onlypa~ta~qs l..oLother. Jl~~ns . [lils ~ut...AI'tkors ;· "f~ler-efore )they !hall.receive-thegr;eater conqemnatioti ~;}Yo trJ,pim . H 'hj