Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

I oo The inr?ffenflve Cr.n{cieiJ__cf! · . . . . C2p• .8. one wife adm~nition, one triendly perfwaf1 .... ~ ·' .. on, were worth all thefe .quefiions and <,lif– putes &c. Take away thefe p~rverfe difpu– . tings of men Qf.corrupt 'mindes; ~and you take away the Pefis of the Church, ·and the g;e~t troublerJ of 'Ifrael. ' Caut. 3: ,. _3· That w~do. riot ta~eupon.ust?Jud~e . •ou~~rotbt?;, or let hzmat naugbt1~. 1drffermg m , fome thmgs, from .us, Rom.14.IO~ whereby .. thR!-1 piouldeffw~th$>,t1t other reafons given in to convince him,force·himo~er ~o thee, arid fo caufehtm to fin, or by thJ. petuldncy ·a'tid fuperdlioi1fiH~fs forqe him o~et,1 fi'o~1 thee,atrd - foR~ufe him to o~grieved; in bdth ·he IS of– •' fencted. This cautidn \vas·never mdre necef .. · faty~ : Hor lefs pr~<frife"'d. · . . J • Caut.4~ . . The 4.- Ca~tiyr! is;that ?f t:h~ Afom:,Ro~. • ,15 .. 1. that ~e ~? l}Ot ~1th ~oo much: n~~ulg~t~ceJondlyp,leafe.our felver, when we iliou~d , ·m9r: jud~c!~~jly frii~y to' pleafe, o.thers, ~br _·ut~o, tmperl090y' ,Jay our burden upon the . neck .c;:>f others, .. when we lliould more chari– .. ~~bry take(hi~ 'i1pqn· ~urs i that fo we n~ight - .bear one anoih~r .I ·bur{/en!' arJd ~then fuljilt the , J.a~of ~~r~fl,· . vVe that are firong 'ou_ght to b-ee~r , .· themftrmztzu of the _w~ak._, a'!d not to pleafe our 'Ga/. ,6. 2· ', fe?veJ: Let' every oize ' ()! U!' pleafe hi! neigh– ~ btJtfr for hi1 good 'to ' edijicativn; faith the A· . pofi:lc. . . . .. · . 5•. That we inakenot too bold with ourJi.. Caut.; 5•. berty , through .indifcretion , , i~moderate· neCs, or unfeafonablends in the Ufe of it: 1&.1s caution ; ye have 1 Cur~ S. 9) xo. 1a~e 1 .her4