Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

The inoffenJive Con(citnte. ~ · I o6 Cap. 8. the blinde. The Beleeving iervant mufl bt • ' obedient, and faithfull not onely ,to t~e Be.. . · leeving Mafter-, ~md the rgentle, but to the unbe.. JTJm,,. 1·./eeving ~~~dfroward, that theGoJPell be not blaf- :Per.2.18,pbemed: Thegodly woman mufi labour to h<:tv~ 1 Pet.3.t•·her modefl: and gracious carriage towards a froward and ir¥eligiou.r bU1band ; fpeake more to his confcience, .then theWord hath done to the worfi: of men that fo~k!,occajion; we muft labour tota~ away allDccafion, 1 Ha– ving a goodConfcience, •ndJOUr converfatioTJha- . neft among the Gentiles, that whererH they if ea~ ~~~r~26~ againft JOU tH evill doer.r ~ they may he ajba~ed whe~ they fa.lfelj accufo your good co'nver}ztzon; yea, not that onely, but that theymay glori– tje God in tke·day of .vifltation. Thus didDaniel ·aemeanehtm~If, that though fo manyeyes were upon him, they could fafien nothing . upon 'him to charge him with, Dan.6.4. rsnere_fcttn. Obj~ When the Difciples informed Chrift ~lum rnfir-. of the Pharifees offence taken at his Do– rnh ~?rehm thine he feemed to neglect it;Let them alone medz;s eft , · d f h b ffi d d 1 , peccatufed~ Mat. J 5.12. 14. q. , . ~ t · ey eo en e , et phari[ttit them be offended, .._ . rren font inAn[. Itis to no end to be troubled i_fw1c;I\.. Jirm! 1 .fed ed, ftubborne men takeoffence wheri non.c is ' m~mo(i ·t'ven; they fin, we fin not; woe to the world r.autm1l1a [c f ,n;, ,.!.. • • i.. .i-.. huic, perti· c~u eo 0.1 ence t~n;1ts1mpow <; u,Ut an~-:- naces nlbu·fendzngworld !hould be apt to beoffended. To lttu~~--jubet lay a frumbling-block before tl~e vye(\~e is . dommJts Re evill; but the Pharifees here (fait~ Par;£us ) decm~m I' · 1 · d fi d f fcand~!.o fint Were ma lCIOUS ea umntators, an .. uwe 0 folliffzti. P~r pertinacious perverfeneife~; t.h.ere.fore n,<:> h:eed to be taken of them. ~. We