Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

I 14 ofthe wel-fpoken Confcience, Cap. 9· fee their own~ t~ey had heads of gold,, feet - _ . of clay; coula fpeak excellently, and dpas badly. 1key 1ay and do nut, Mat.23 ·3• vVhat they teach, that do ye; what thry praf1i_(e, that p;un. Thefc cloth onr Saviotl r after all their ·'knowledge, and learning, and talk and t ongue, -call f oolt, andblinde foolJ again and Mat.: 3 . 17 again: All this k?owledge is but as a candle 19 . 24 • in their hand t? hgl~t them to Hell; thatthey · may not go thuher In the dark_: Thefe go to Sinite [api- Hell, a$ Bernard faith, with a great deal of e:1!eJ _hujus d i fcretion, and go a wikand learnedway /&culz' a!ta t hither. 1 hefekeep the k.._ey iJf Knawledge, but JCIJlz enr es,:&n mean not to go into the Kingdom ofHeaven terratn 1 . • f! cntes fapi~ t hemfelves; but the k.,_ey ofConfczence rhepoor, enter dej(·er.· and urn plc and unlearned ones in the world d:re in in· get, andpreffe after the Kingdoni of God,and f ernum.Ber· <: nter in. Surgunt indoCti, et rapiunt. R'eg11um ue VJt . Sol· Ca!lorum, & not cum do[/rinit noftti1 fine corde, ecce ubi volutamur in carne 6,. fanguine. Aug. Conf.l. 8. c. 8. The Publicane and Harlot, confciencioufly humbled , enter into the I \ ·Kingdom of Heaven before the Pharifee ela– ted with his greater ~nowledge. And the i lliterate Chrifiian is ableto read his name in thebook of Life, and his Duty in the B@ok of Con ,rcie; ce, when the nioft literate Scribe, and LearnedScholler cando neith~r• '' .. . CHAP. X~