Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

The honeft dealing Confcience. .I 21 Apofile, and a.n und~niable argument ~f ~ C~p.I I• goodConf~ience. Vifibility a.nd .Vniverfa- -. .,..; Jity are Popijh -markes of a rtght Ch~rcb; but they are Protefl'ant marks of a good ' Confcience, anda right Cbriflian. \\le ha'Ve agoodConfciea~. ] The Word tranflated G9od ( JC!tAij, ) fignifies alfoh1neji; ofthis th~ adverb ( ~t :a~.;~) is derived, tranfiated ·honejfly. It might as well have been read, Wee have an boncft Confcience, (and) in all_things defirousto live boneft!J: where all good Con._ fcience is tobee fec:n, Al1.23. I. there all Ho.. neftie i~ to bee feen. So 1 Pet.3.16. Peter e'X• horts to this Good Confcien~e.. Having a goodConfcience, that wberear theyJPealtevil (/[you, .ar ofevil doers, they maJbee ajhamed whtn they f aljly ·acct4{e yoHr good Conver[ation. A good Converfationwithout will proclaim to all the worlda good Confcience within. And ,a good Confcience ever bindes us to oul" good hehaviourtowar~ men~ The Apefrles Rule is Phil.f-8. Wbat[otver thingJ are honeft 1 wbatfoever thing1 are jufl, whatfoever ar~ lovely., .-ndwbat[oever ofgoodreport, tbofo feeft •nd do, .~swell as whatfoever tb.i.ngs are true,are pure., .arc holy. And 2 Cor.8.2l• Providing thing.t honefl not onely in the fight ()f God, but i?! the jigbt ofall met~. Good Confcience mufr have J acoks bandsas well as J acobs voice, mufr as ' ·well deal fairly as JPeak.;__ fairly. Good Con– fciencemufi look toaThread, and to a Shoolatchet, as Abrabamdid. And muft bee able Ge11·14·2J~ ~o fa.y in the £gh.t _of/~~1 theW.or.l~ as Mo{e~ Null\.t,6JS · · an~ ' '