Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

The h_oneft dealing Confciente~ · I 2 5 t~re Vominc9 qu£cunq; volueritit, ut faciant v.ohis Cap. I 1 hamineJ-- h£c tibi 'uafi{peculum quoddampart~-:-- · " tum,& admanHm femperpofitum qualitatem tf~~ · ...,.,. voluntatis oftendat ~)·c. · Therefore faith Par~ur upon the pl:tce, l'ar. itJ! Chrift would make every honefl:man own Mar. 7· 12~ rz~lt and /aw,in his dealings withhis neighbour. Would I like it well that others fhould fufpefr, envy, cenfure mewit~ their tongue when I am abfent ; or abufe, deride fcorne, and make jefts ofme, to my face; or would I pe content that they fhould over-reach. defraud, and opprefs me in their actions? .then let me.doethe like to them) otherwifc not. 3· You may 'be bold to take his word, and truft him ; He ca~otdeceive, thoughhemay be dectiv.ed, Errare poteft, non fal/ere .His word is; as his.Bond,his Bond is as his-Oath,and hisOathis as his Sou/e. By any of thefe you him bound, and bound inSpirit : And let him goc whether he will, he hath his Keeper with him. He makes Gonfdence of "Yhat he pro– mifeth ; becaufe ~his promife came from a Purpafo of performance. He reckBneth ef hi1 d(Jy debt, promife to thee, when thou little thinkeft ofhim. He holds n~Jthing to con.. fift with his hond1f', which cloth not with ho-.. nt~Y' whence the ancients derived honour and honefty, on fi·om the other. · Honeft B.eguluJ, the glory of the RtJmatz.i , · being let igoe ( when a prifoner ofwarre) upon hb Paroll, or wordpaired ta retW"ne, . if