Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

A~t e~il1'enilerneji. C~p.1.2. This kinde ofConfcience cries, A-lion in the . - w'9', IJball be torn in the {lteetJ. This picks a Prov:26.13 quarrell at the Gofpel tor fome Circnm– ftances, Why do thy difciplu eat with. unwajhen handr, and walk contrarie to the old Ce:re... monies ofthe fathers ? Ma.,k._ 7. 2. . • This bird-eyedconfdence, as I may·call it, fiarts (as t~1e bird-eyed horfe) at every leafe {baking, or bird flying, and layes his Rider · on his back, or flings him into thedirthap– ly ; this is a pittifull weake confcience : This was the confcience of the mixt multi– Num.JI.4· tude, andof the ten fPieJ; they ftarted at fight· Nu•. 13·31. ofan AnakJ:m, and would not · by any means advife the people to endanger then1felves by adventuring forward. This confcience is known by thc(e ill Properties : 1. It is apt to fcrupJe things lawfull, it eateth nothingbut herb_!,Rom.14.2. · 2. It puzzleth and perplexeth it felf about bu.fine:ifes of no great moment,about dayes, meats, &c. Touch not, ta.fte not, handle net, Col.2.21. is apt to judge him that (upon better grounds) is not of his minde . and practice, Rom. 14. 3· Let not himwhich eateth not, judge him which e.zteth, which he is very apt to do. 4· He is apt to fiumble, Rom.I4·2I. 5· Or to bee grieved, anddif– tafiecl, Rom.14.2 1. Occafions whereof as it is-thedutie ofthe frrbng and wife Chrifiian to a\i:oid;fu-1~is the p1:opertieof the 'Yeak to bee fuhjea: ·unto. · ·· s, And a fift ill tendernefs there is of the Con-