Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

7he tender Confciente. . . I Cap. I 2. fi~e taken out by the Eye-falvemadeofehriJt 1 . .- --~- h~s blood~Rev.3. 18. and hath not the fine fllftand Ltnnenyou read ofRev. 19. 8. is a fad Confcience though tender; it is raw and running, arid fore, and fierie. Such a Con– fcience is tender indeed, till it bee the worfe again. Thus Lt:ahr eyes were _,.faid to bee tender; it was f~ua!I Commendation to her, t~ey-w~edebiles weak, as Juniur renders it. R.ach?l w~s ~orefair, and more beloved; her ~yes were not fo tender,Gen. 29. 17. t·'R.lF ~-- . · But the Right .tenderneife~f Confcien,ce tendcrriefs'IS--that due Proportton of fenfe :m an awake.. ned~l~elf-obferving fph·it,wlrich lfbours to k~ep the foul guarded, and un_molefied. He takes up the refolution of Job, My heart Jha,ll not reproach me fo long tM I live, Job 27-.6. 9! d~ I can endure reproaches enough from_ any other hand, I am fo outwardly hardy; but from my felf, and my own Confcience!) I love not to be upbraided with inward heart-burning, and rifings inmy fiomack) ~. am inwardly fo fenfible. Th~s tendernefs ~Gnd. thews itfelf in Other!. refpect of Self. In refpe8: J. OfGod; inevery thing to which God is ofGod. entitled, and hath interefr in. Mojes fianqs Ex.1o.26. for a Hoof. Our Saviour tender of the leaff Mat. s.r8. Jod, or Title ofthe LawofGod, He was all in .. }oh.,2.17. aflame with the zeal .of God's hou[e~ when · he