Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

'f •. ·. • ':lr, ' To the 1\.eader. , Cowfoience is ~tlittle Mapor volume of Divinity,there is more ofGod to b'e feen hi · C6njtience than ih any otherpiece. Jt is tJJe r~reflpi tee that Godevermade. OJ d# C1-ea:tnres there i1.moreof·GodMbe feene inMan than in them all, in Manmofl iti the Soul, in the Soul mofl in theConfci;; . eact;. Thk fmelleth more of God (J.lith one) than the Heavuu,the sun; the Stt~rs~ eraf! theglori11us th#Hgs oftheEarth,Gdd; preciou:r .Stonei, RHhies, .of the fweeteft Herbs, R.ofes, . ~ 1 •confcfence is the Art ofArts, andSet- , · ence ofScieriee~,»'hich eijery one ofwhai;;. foever Degree, !!2!!_dlity, sci'ene.e is ofa!J– folute neceffity IJDund to be sbJUeda~td ex– erci(ed in, A Book it "' whichneiibef the Learnedwhen it is deliveredto him witb tfok charge,Read this Ipray, may re.;. fuje f!J. put llWilJ)aJhe~·Efa. 29.1 j' I 2. and f'aJ I cannot> for it isfealed,Jt isan open .Book : Or when tg the unlea.Ancd~ith the fame · Cht~rge, Read this n·ow;· .hentaj not foy, I cannot., for I amnot Book-learn.;. ed, It if an ea~~ Boo~, the Lay-mans Bool{, or Primmer: Multrefnnt Scientire hominum, fed nulla lJlelior ilia, qua ho– mo cognofcit feipfu1n; M.tny- Sciencei thereare,but none lik.: th~twherebJaman . _/tnowes himfolf. The