Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

The tende~ Confcien·ce.. r5S --~----------------------------------- . e to other godly men aJ a Shepherd tatb~e E.. ptp.I 2~ .ryptian, Gen. 46. ,4. a1_1~ that<:>ur.£uhhque_. • _ ... n1eetings , andour religions ~erclies there, p.ught not be as the lfradites Saaifice in the fight pf theEgyptians ; hnthof theman abo!"'· ,Unation, Ex.8.26. Hew happy were we if ' . we had fo learnedCbriil, as to put off with ~he: oldman,according to the Apoftlts eotJn.. fell, Eph4· 3 I ,3 2 • .All bitter~uffi, and wrath, sml. clllmour, .atuJ evillJP.eakj_ng, with aHma./ice, dnd to be~inde one ttl tmother,tende'IJ..hearted, fot'e' gioiDgone another, as. God for Chrijt1 jtJI{e bath r forgivetJ uJ. · · z, As wen1uftbe thus tender to all godly2 Weaker ones in gentrall, fo efpecially to the wea~rones. one/among th.em,noways to difcourage them, fiefpifcthem, orimpofe any•burdens upoN, much leffe lay any flumbting-blocft before ~hem; but to be.1re thtit' injirmitie1, Ro.l)·-1• cot~defcend to their teqps, Rom. 1 2. I 6. Anti not to pleafe OHr [elver, but them rather. This is ~be li~-minded to }e[U!-Chriff, who is tend:er of all his1 ittleones that believe in him : He himfelf heares their if!Jirmitiu , and feeles their.fick.,neffir~ Mat.&. 17. He (faith thePro– phet) gatherttb up theLamb1withhuarm, and -cmrieth them inhu bofome-, and gent!J leadeth them t~at are 'R)ith young, Efay40· I I. He doth not fl1ll'Ve·nor cry,noruf?i1'Voyceheardin·the ftreetJ: Yhe bruiJed Reed he brea~~thnot' and the fmoaft: Mat.l2· T a, in~ he quencheth not. But was among his 19• Dtfe1plesas one that f~rv~d, Lu~ 2 2. 27; He ~OIJ;ld Wa{h~heir feef) and fi:~qpt; tO any the · meaneft ... : '