Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

The Contents. I I . . . 2.1'beunawakened ·corifciencc~ ·P· 24.9.2so. ~2SI .. 3 . The dc:fudedconfcicnce~ P· 2 s 2. is~· 2 s4:. 4· lhehardened confcience. . . . • . J>· 2 ss. , Afix·fo1dbardridfe'of~or confc•encc. . p. 2%:.. J, Naturall harqncife. . .P· 2,·s·s. '-;S6,.. 2· voluntary and attralted· F· 2J 6~Elcvenfteps eohell difcovered. · P· 256 2.S7· 3· Judiciall hardeningby.Impoftors andSeducer;-:p.259 4· Minifteriall hardeningbyMinifters and~rdmances.. p. ~5.9· 2.6b.. ,.Divine hardeningbyGod himfelfe. , ibid. · ' 6. Satanicall by theprevailing.efficacyofSatan. p. 26t• 5th, Mifta:ke offuchwh9 judgeconfcience, therefore~ good, becaufe troubled. ' . . p. 263.. Three notes ofan iJl rrol'lbled confcierice: - p. 2 64.. . Six notes ofagood troublcd·confciente. p. 27·' A {luhMiftake,to judge erroneous confcience, .a g.ood .coofcience. . -p. 21J• Seven common and ordinary notes of an erroneous . confcience. : - ' . p. 274• A fcvcnth miftake, ro judge fcrupnlous Confcience, ..a good 'Confcience. · . ·p. 2724 The eighth mifiake to judge theconfcienceof, and for liberty,~ gQod coJ!fcit."ncc:.. . · p. 2.2o. Sinfultliberty of confcience branded, anddccy~hered. I 1 , . ,p, 28 f. Right liberty ofconfciCilce.affe:rred~ . p. 282. · Set out in fiv~ particulars.;. · 'p. 2St CHAP. XIX. The ot~cr p~t of th~ ufe of informarion to afler.t Trutb5 ha . . P· t. T t good confcience is the Cbriftians greareft charge. ibid? ~· .To looke after confc)ence in fclfe andothers, tbe , mtmfters.greatcft cb;t:ge.. ' . ·· p. 286. ,, 3. Confc!ence decay!ng ts thedecay ofState. . P· 290· 4· Confctenced~caymg, tracedc:caycs. p: 292•. S• Toiler~ / •,