Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

~ ~~~--------~--------~----------~ to the Chriftidn Redder., • ,.. · · S God bath given his poly word .. . . ?!?-tO man, for t~e- fervice of ~is Ram. r5 :4· 'lmmortall foul, 1n regard of 1~s 2 Tim.3 ; ' - manifo1d concernments; fo hath t6: hisMajefly fet up. Confoienc~ in mans.bofome; Rom. 2 .r s; to make p~tfonall application and improve.:. con(ciemia n)erit therfof, for his fpirituall advantag~, ef! ~ ~pp_li_c4.: either by checking; o'r by incouraging h1s ,_to ~otltt£ . .r: . fi .· · 719/lr~t,. dd co.ur.~.e, a$ ~c~~ ~on _may re;qUire. . . _· . • : aEium par• . Agood Canfctence u a,contmua}l Feaft. At thts ticularem~· heavenly banquet, the gloriotis,Angells are Aquin·•. the ferv~torsJ and thedainties fed upon, are; . 'Iha.t pea<;e ofGod whicb ,pajfith allu11derjl andi11~,. . and thofo joyuof the Ho~y Ghofl, wbicb are mofl , unfpetJ~ .tble andfilll(}j'glsry.: · · . . _ ;:, · ,. The tru~h. here<_>f? G?ds fuffering fer~ants Aif. 16 .2'4 have expene~ced 10 pnfons, under chames, 2 S· when indai~y expectationof Martyrdome; 2 Cot. i.'~.. yeawhen burning in m.ercilefs flames; as Ec~ . 12 ·• c;lefiafticall Hi'fiories, doe. credibly I-eport! ·13.ut there is no tea:ft (faith Latimet) wher~ weeping is ferved in, as the firfl: ·courfe ; aqd gnafhingofteeth, as the fecond. A nr'ounded jpiritwJJ(Jcan beare? And this wound, ' n1ay l'~oV. l~; be the bl.Irthfnof_every unregenerate perfon, 14. .· . every mome-nt : fa,r, . fin. lieJ at the, Gen. 4 7• 1 ready