Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

-fo. the-Rea~cr. --~~------------- ---------~~~~ -~a cioui]ywarned, to keepCon{c.ience. void o/oj- ;\' ~ ~ ~4,·~6' fence; both towardJ God 11nd man: And quick Items of this kind were never more neccffary , fhen now ip thefc f\pofraiizing times, where- ~·· In ma'rty, either from c.ovetoufneffe, cowan:l– lineife,or corrupt loofe principles, do £hame– fUlly' make, fhipwrack of a goodConfcience. That which the fro ntifpiece cloth promife, the following difcourfe cloth ' faithfully ·per– forme, .which i5managed throughoqt, with Scripture evidence, that thy heart, may be ·kindly awed, and .fully conquered by Di– vine authority. The Almighty blefie tha~ fa– voury and feafonable cou.nfell which is here~ in given~ to the everlafiing profit of many fouls , ~hrough his abpnd<{nt grace in t~~ Lord our Saviovr.. · · · '- . I·' ' lam 4/ay 2~. ~~5?· J . ' . .. ' Thine. in the forvicc. · ~~ Cbrift , tho11gh ' very unworthy~ sI ME 0 N A$ HE~ ·- j , " I -. ' '· .._:, '. • T() ' . .. • "' I t#