Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

'7'6 the1tt4tler. . . c:=:::::= I - _____.c.. •. merous)are6ero.m~ adeg.e~erate.Plant, , bath not God fiatned bot.h the prtde ()f all flefh, and alfo made thin the.glory of our 1~/J. Hath not the Dragon .pre~ vailed to fweep away the third pa·~ ·of ' the frars of heaven. Doen~t profelfors . ' dallyfall manyinto damnable Doltrines; andabominableprall:ifes, whereby the Doltrine.ofJefus Chrifi~ and theway-of _ truth is evill fpoken of. And thofe pr&- . ' feffors that hethettoh~vekept the faith• and .not defiled theirgarments, inrwhofe· · ·'lips' fbQuld ever be die law of kindnefs; .are not we mad(! asbottles ofwine,r.eady to break and to be broken in pieces-one upon another. Doth not Godthreaten~ tocut afunder lth~Statfofbeautyand of bands,andutterly to make voidthe~wenant~ betwixt thehoufe of Iudah and .of lfra~l. ·Dotb ltot Satan w·~ hath ~ver great w·rat'h, dailyget ·gr~t ~dvant~ge by ()Ur divifi?ns•. Itbeing theexpel'!enced obfervatlOJlof that Rreat Hifto- . . . l'tan)In a trouble<}ftate,th~ Church {hall~1.~~~~ never want troubles,. , I. Pr£,.. 1 Surelyther~ is no fbength below the ar!De ~ofomnipotency.,thatcan~reus o_f thtswouncl)butaodwho is mightyto(ave t4em that fiand:ais alfo able to recoveJ' ' them '/