Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

A Good Confcie11ce TH·E Stro11o-e'ft Hold. b .z Tim·. I . .1 9· . I Holding faith, and a good Confcience:; whichfomehaving put away concerning · Faith have made ship-wracl{~. ~;m~~1-lefe two Epifrles tO' 7'imethy, anc.J that toTitui, may well be cal... led theMinill:ers Direllory;ll:lade upof CanonJ cl_early ai1d un.. dubitatdyApofiolicall, DireB:- ,, . ing the Minifrer hew to Go- , · 7Jern himfelfe andhow to Guide l:1is People. The Minifters charge is looked upon by all as the .greateft ; and the ApofHe ,. who bell: knewwhat it was doth not fpare to lay it: . ' ' home to him, arid to give it him 'to thefulL. EachMinifter hath a double charge. The one·adixtra, concerning other.r. The other ad intriil, which co~cernes bimfe.Jje. Both-are x1lm; 4 . r6• funm1edup in thole fewwords. ITim. 4·16. B 'Ia~ ' .