Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

,, goodCo1zfcience, theJironge.ft Hold. ' ved <it ~· fnde hjm in his befr, but mentioned alfo, f~;;fu;: .:h 15 2 Timothy, 4- I 4, I 5. There a ma_n much al. ~h~r~f~;e tered a deadly enemy toPaul and his Doet~ 'l;mod') re- rine, for whom before hehad fo much appea– fiding !1af- red a friend and Champion, both were iOr:– tcr{; at. E- merly faire Profdfors, but now degenerated ~;;~~~~5 ofinto f!!ule Apoftatu,6othofforward and (then him 2 Tim. hopetull ) Difciplernow flown fo high as 1 , 4· 1 S· . tobeconie too forward(bnt D::tngerous)TeaW!ri even denying commcn received DoCJ:... rines, as for infrance ; that Artiole of our faith concerning the Refurre:Eiion.' 2 2. 17, 18, Andbroaching new,loofe and per2 Tim . 2 • nicious Dochines,:Whereby they blew up the 17, IS· · ftith offt1ch as hearkned to them. 2 Timntby, 2. 1 8. \iVhofe black fowle and Tragick fiory is hereconYpendiouflyM downe in two verfes, I 9~ 20. and holds forthfi,ure remarkable paf ... fagrs as touching them. Being the foure freps to their utter 1:nine and eternall predition. The two firH:ofwhich fet out their fin"'e. the two laH their punifhment. THeir fjnne is fet out Fit H in the Originall and beginning of it, They put away good Confcience] the worft bcginning , a quo Principio provenit omne malum. · 2. In the PerfeB:ion and ConcluGon of it. They came at laiho Blaiphem.Theworft end and conclnflon that could be. . • Here is nothing but i1n in thefe 2 pa!fages, and fin upon fin. In the two .remaining~here is nothing but: • 1 JUagem,m,