Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

8· · The goodConfcience; thejlrongeft Hold. 8 The end of Excommunication, and, all '- Chu~ch cepfures is not to (erve'e d.:ftru– &, 13 • 1o. Uionoft4e Cenjured, or Private revengeofth~ 1 .. or. S· S· Cenfur.:u, but to editi~atio~ onely; That tl'~ 7lraditi funt offeqder may be t~rri6ed, ~nd reclai111ed, The ad emendan· Jieft. dearoved that the iuule may be:la·ved · and dum nsn ad 1'./ J' '../ ' )I · · ,.' • ' perd~ndum'. that others maybe warned,aB.d o the mfeEh • sedu/.irJ lq· on flayed :That they may learpe not to.blaf~ , fWn~ pherue, Vt Cajtiga~ione ~11c ar:Jd~[fi dejimmt fal-:– Jiem fuum dogm~jpargere Pif:ator. ~ut pon~ of di~fe doe I mtend to Randup-, op, though I {hall have pc~afion tomeet wit!,. th~m inprofecuting the intended Doctrine. . To the wotqs Ho!dmg Faith and a g,;ol Confci~nce, &c. kr 6 . .Holding] E'x(,)v i.e. 7r.:~-7tX.61" Pijcator.It Ligni- 'fc. · 3·l ' · :fies prt:'>perly Having; and fo tra~flated, 1 Pet~ 3. 16-fo v~r!l1rrtv ~x.~ ~1• ; d')l'a.~nv~Having a good Confcience, hereHolding. Tohaveand to hold :ip mt'r Engliih fpeaking,arce ufi~allyput toge-:– ther ;Jt is.not enough Ol1Ce tO hcrve, Or for fome while to have Had, unleffewe ever have 4ndhold them. Fa~th]Eithertake it firff for that whichwe ~all Grace-faith, fidu qua creclitur, That he~ frotild Hold, A&., Maintaine, Exercife the grace of favipg,and livdy Faith~ .Ot Secon<J-: ly, for the Dol1rimofFaith,F~duqu~ creditur, In which iente it is ufed, Chap. ~. 9· & 4• . l: . 'Yit. I-13-,Jurl.v.3!And E.xpofitors do general" J Tttn. 3'.9· Iyunderfiand it fo here,. that Timothy lhould ~.4; . 1 ~ 3 • hol~ the whol.Jorne fi':me offo~nd n:ord!, and'fiilf J.d. ~! 3• reta.1?e the olf! rt:ct-lved f ~1t!~ 111 00 rth~~o~ · .J • ' · o~.-tnne ~~ ,.... .; ~