Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

Whafagoodconfcience is. CHAP.. 11• ..r I , .. ~ - Wh6tt agoodCQnfcience ir• . , '' ' ' . NOw lainnex~ to.fhew what a good Con– fcience is. · . Fort~ireare~- 1 Evillcon~cience Heb .I~ 22. twokmds of 2 Good, I 7zm. 1. 19. Thts of confciences. . 'which .1fpeake. \ T~~Hoon~ · ? ~ · .r. ,.. - mala turbata.. ....-~ Troubled\:: ~s . _ . . .-:::: . or n1amly two- · p ( ~ An · fold . _ 1 1nala. acata. ) . ~Iet. Oras Or. Ames lll<i>.re dearely, vitit{e mala .. ' & molefte-mala. · · · : · So .is there a~bcna turbata. ~ sg~tl~roubl~d .n 1 . double good _ ·- · or · .-e IX ctm- • • fcienria in confcKnce. . B.ona pacata. ( good qmet• cptll obviaAnd to a right good confe1ence,theremuii rf!'lt ftbi ver- a double goodneis concur to the conilltuting n~ai, &d. ofit. I. A goodneife of jiJJcerity. 2. Agood.. mifercor ut,;.. a: 1!( • . • I 11. b h ,fl.' b p , in qu~o ofcu- ueue Or 1 ecurzry; t muu e. sm 1 .. e or~ a:;& acatc lat& font bona. Ame.r. Or more plamely, it mufr be Pu– p~x ~ jufli rificate bona~& Pacate bona. And here I {hall cia_Bern . give you a full defi nition of a perfeCt good de mt.dro. conf~ieuce,wben it hath both thefe goodm§es The good in it. - · confcience 1hat u the good con_(cience which u rightly pu– wpat it is. rified-, and right!J pacifiedby the word, and 'blood andffirit ofChrifi; regularly performing all hu Of· j z'ces towhich it u defiJp ed. Firil: