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Of the CURE qf 4-7 Holy Ghoft ; and fo how could they err ? how could God lie ? It is' true, Paul did pro- phefie but in part ; and is this an argument, be- eaufe he did not prophefie fully, therefore in fame things he did not prophefie truly'? I am per- fvvaded you will fay, there are many things my poor thoughts have fuggefled to you, as true ; and yet I am perfwaded I do in them prophefie, if I may fo fay, but in part. The Spirit of God direaed the four Evangelifis to write ; yet fo, as they did not all write what another writ, but in great wifdorn left fome things doubtful and thort in one, which are more dear, and full in another : and hence the Doxologie is fully fat down in one, and not in another ; and many reafons I could let you down why, but that is needlefs. I grant you ought not to put up all with a charitable opinion of Scripture ; but if you can, by reafon, reading, and comparing, help your heart to a full perfwafion, this is Scrip- ture : But many things you cannot get fatisfac- tion for, by that way and means, but your Spirit will be left dark and doubtful ; What courfe will you here take for refolution, which is Scripture ? The Papi4s fay it is fo, becaufe the Church has chriftened it for Scripture ; you fay you will fee reafon for it that it is fo, or elk: you cannot be fatisfied ; then I fear you will ne- ver be fatisfied. I think, In this cafe therefore theft two things you are to do. i. To go to God by Prayer, to give you a re- folution of all your doubts, and by fome means or otlicr,farrie light to fce whether this is his word or