Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. glory in all creatures,( the fervants and houf- Alan x a .c hold;-fluffofmari)theretore there was a greater i eflate, glory in man 1.1irpfelf, theend ofthem. God, c -,,, calleth a Parliament, and gathers a Councel The crew- - when Man was to be made; and faid,Come let' cure: amts r izs make man an oxr own Image; as though an Servincs. tine wifdom oftl e Trinity filculd b feen in the creation ofman. Wherein did theglory and bieffednefs ofmart obi& appear ? In the impret son of Gods Image upon him,; An Gen. 1.26. Cali there he any greater glory for a ?ofeph, for a fub;e&, then to be like his Prince? What 7va4 the br erfie ofGad ? The Schoolmen and Fathers' have man; Arraj. curious ( yet fome neceffary) though ditcult quefl ions about this. I will omit all theirs, and tell you only what is the A poirles judgment, Col. 3.26. Out ofwhich this general def.cripti- on of Gods Image may be thus gathered : It LS mans perfee`iion of holinefs, refemblino Gods EP.h' 44' admirable Holinefs,whereby only mìan pleafet vie God. of (lad in For, all other inferiotir creatures, did tarry mid.. the marks & footileps of Gods Power,wifdom, Goodnefs , whereby all thefe Attrbtutes were feen.Oneof the moil: perfe;,} Attributes his h. 0- linefs,he would have menonly appear ir,& be made mainfei by eman, his bell; inferioúr crea- ture,as a Kings wifdom and bounty appears in managing the affairs of all his Kingdom ; but his Royal, Princely, and moll eminent per- fe&ions appear in the face and difpofition of C ... his i`'-`3'7-1,°.1.7+"i.é.a""