Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

I • ·' •••.• c:Q,;)oo • • • • • ~ ~ . /~~h ewdrt ·· ... f dord ~! ~. Oro1ngtorz ..· ~ ·.. ~ent / ~ ~ . -~~_;.:::.:....- ' ' I • I

. ' ' •ttcitt'ittii:tttt+Ht·~~.,t• • I .. :BOV.VEL , ti! ·. <~ ·. ~ ;'i: OPENED: · :t • 0~ - . • :A DISCOVERY 0 F THE!i: '!' N eare and De~re Love, Vnionand :i! ·: ~ommumon betwtxt Ca1usT, .and . the • ~ CH. v R c H ,and confequently betWlXt Hnn ~ ~4} and tvery beleeving Souk_;. ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ DeliveredindivenSermons on thefourth, fifth !t ~Jlt , and fix;h Chapters ohhe: CANTICLES. X (>})} . • . ~- ~By that Re')Jerendand/aitbfuU MinifteroftheWord, ~ c~ Dr. SIn s, late Preacher uhto the Honourable ~ ~ Society ofqrayes-lnne, and Mafl:er of Katharine ~· . <{~ Bftllin CA M B R ' I n G .B. • ~Being in part finilhedbyhis owne pen inhis life-time, :t C~« and the reft ofrhem perufeda~d corn·d:edby • ~ . thofe whom he intrufred Wlth the pub- .,.!} ~ h tliiug <:>f lm TJiotkr ~ ~ ~ - . Cf.?. c ~ '~ . . ANT . 4· II. \.,~... Thou ha(! ravifoedmy heart,my Stjler,my :·Thouha.ftravi- 'f)$ ...-D... foedmy heart with one of thme nes, ifna 11-i•h one chaine of :hJ {t~~ .;;._~%" ner:~. ir~~ ~ ~ ~t: . LON DON, ~~i . ;]; Printed by q.u'v[. for qeorge Edwards in the OU Baily in ~I={! . ~ Greenc~Arbuur,at tht: Signeofthe Angell. 1 64 t . ,~ V(;r.l' - ~; t~G~v~~~~cffJlw~ff:fcl() ,.~; ~fcf~~·-f~f~1$J$

I. HONORATISSIMO DOMINO, .f DOMINO E DV l\·RD0 JIICE,;COM171 M AN D EV I L L Eo . , f2J' EM, V T V ER lE N 0 B I L I'T AT IS DELICI~ AS CANDORISNIVEM, I N R E S C· H RI S T I, E :T, . ALIO:R' VM COM · ~1 ,0DA E FFVSI SS IMVM; s u :SPI CIM us; c o LIMu-s; I V N A ·~vE, . . C0NCIONES HAS IN CAN·TICA ; P 0 S T HUM A -S / J.N AMORlS G-RA~fiAM Q..VO ·A'VTHO– REM IPSE 'COMPLEXUS EST No- · s.TR.£.QF IN DNEM rLLrvs MERI– rrs:>IMJE oBSREVANTil£ T , E..$ T I MO N IV M , 'D. V. / THoM·As GooDVVINa 1 P H 1L rPP v ·s N YB. ·· ----'-------- "

---------------~----------~---- 1.!. ~. • • . .! . • .. t.. • .. • . ~ ....t.. ~ rnrn;··t.Dt-Dru ~~ti-:1~"±~.!1-i'~ r=Y:.'l. r:Y.?z:Y.1U~~•~~fX? t t H f I, ~ 'f ~t<. TtT • 4' f T "V .• i . • " t To tbeCbriflian Reader• ~~~~ HE perufall ofthisBooke,be.. ing eommined unto mebyan antient and a faithfull friendof mine, Ifound it(I confefie) fo full of heavenly treafure, and fuch lively ·expreffios~fthe unvaluable riches of the love ofChrifi toward all his poore fer– v.ants that fue and feeke unto him, that I , fent unto thegodly and learned Author earnefily intreating him to publifu the fame,judging it_ahogether~unmeet that fo .predous tnatter lhould be conc-ealed from publike ufe, W·he·n;l1e excufedhim. felfe by undervaluing 'his<>wne meditatil<>ns; ·but withaH fign16ed hi~ ddireof the : 1church,es ~ood, ifby a.ny t~ing ·in his I wotks 1t m1ght nev~er {o ~htde be promo- · ted,Lcould not butdedare my felfe inr~ 1-conlmendingtbisTt·eatife,as avery profitable and excellent helpboth to theun– derfrandingofthat dark and mofi divine S • I A cnp- ! ~.......... ---~ ---..,-----·---~--~--·------......

Totb& Reade-r. Scripture, ~nd alfo to kindle in theheart all heavenlyaffeCtions Ut)to lefusChr1G- 'I Itis well known how backward lam, and ever have been to cum·ber the Preffe, but yet t would not be guilty in depriving thedearechildrenofGod of the fpirituall and fwect confolations) which are here vety plentifully offered unto them; · And the whole frame of all thefc Ser– mons,iscarriedwithfuch Wifdome,Gra– Yity,Piety,ludgement,& Experience,that it eommends it {elfun.toall that aregodly wife : and l doubt not hut that they fhall finde their temptations anfwered • their fainting fpirits revived, their underftan– dings cnlightned,and their gracesconfir– med, fo as they fhall have caufe topraife Godforthe \Vorthy Authors godly asd painfull 1abours. And thus defiring the Father of all mercies, and the Godofail comfort, ~o bleffe thisworke to the con– folatlon and edi6cation ofthofe that feek his favour, and delire to feare his holy _ ;Name,Irefi, · . f · 'fhine in Iefus Chrill, ------~-'---~~-----L_. D_s_d_~_- --\

--------~----------~-- 1\ TA B L E of the chiefe heads and Cotnents of the following . sermons in this Bo o K 11. · . ~.....,.!!!! 1 .HE IntroduE'Iion, __ pag.t . I There ist·he fome regartl ofthewh~le · ~~ . Churcfo , and of every particular . ·~ member, ;n regard of the chiefeft ~illl'IEi=:!:: priviledges ~tndgraus th~tt accom- .fttny falvatiDn, · p.; '-.AJl -creAtttres fland inobedience tD chriff, P·7 The courjes that Chrifl takes with his church 'may feeme contr~try)but by awife ordering tdt agree in ' the wholfome ijfoe, · P·7 In:what refieels the Spirit Df Go-d i4 cemparedto wind, P·9 In what refjeels we needtheblDwi~~ of tbt Spirit,_ . p.I 2. In.what rej}eC::Is the Chttrch i5comparedto 4 garden, ' . . . . p. I 3 Chrijlians fbould walke 1141/Jen ofafeveredconditionftom the world, ' · p~ 15 ckrijli~tnsplanteJ. in Gotls Gttraen jb011lrJ ·beJruitfoll, . . . ·, . p.I6 God cartsfor)An4protell~thhis ChNrch, p.13 . . A,.- 2· Wt

\ l1 ! '. I - ~ ·-· · ·· .. - -- -----------Th-~ ·c ·ontents. ------------- -- ------- Ji'Ve!Jeednot onlygrttce topt~t life i.YJto m at the firfl, but likewi{egracetoquickmar~ddraw forth that ltfewe.h•rz.'c, p. I 9 \ It ii not mough to begoodot~r[elves) hat Ottllgoodnes muff flow cut, p. r9 Where once Godbegins he gots.on, andadds inccu– rAgemmt to encot~ragement> to"htintain ne1v flt. ttrsupinReligion, , . p.lo Wherefoevergraceis truly begun,thtreisJlillafor- · ther dejiret>{Chriftspre(enct, p.2 r ·Agrttciom h-ea1t is privy to its ownegrace rvl;m it is in aright temper,ttndfofarre .u it ispri·vy; is boldwithChri.ftin a fweet and reverend mAn– ner, p.2~ It is thedNty ttnddi(jofition ofthe Church ofchri.ft ·· topltAft herhmbttnd, p.24 T/Jechurchgives all toCbriJt, p.26 Comfort in tht wants an.d /Jlemijhes P{PIIT perfor.. mances, p.z) Therefolutionof I hewholeji fi ch~tpter 1-~' Caatides, I J J . . . p.28 The orderofGods hettring hi! Cht~rth, p.;.o GoJmakes us good,ftirres up holy liefiresi» -HJ, .411d . . thtJI4»(wersth.edejires.OfhisSpiritin .m, p.; 0 . Why GldheAresourprAyers) P·3I C4fts whereinontinmftt to fT4Jr,. 'Pd4 . How tg k19-owwhenG1d he11ru .tmr f'"'Jtrs,, P·36 ' Chnft~.oschfofis his graJ ;(}IH pre_fonfe I'- his (/;;J.,. : dunupon their defiresfit, · p.,37 · The ~ktJrchisf4r~:iedftii?IJ dt,(ir~{rrttJ/IIrt.f#·, · prefenceofchrijf, · , ·'P•J8 HO'Jfltllt~(Jwthlll cbrijlispr!fe.».tinw~ . p..;g \ · Where ··

~ . . The Contents. · /---( I Where Chriffis{ent,there Heaven is infome de~ . gree, ~ P·4o , Having Chrijls prefl1Jce weneedfcarnothitJg,p.4 I Chrt fl is our Brother, . p.41 The churchesroyalt dejcent' P-45' The Church is the SpoufeofChrift, P·45 F.e{emblances betwixt the temporail andj}irit~a/1 marri11ge, ' p. 46 The comfort ofChrifl heingour husbttnd, p.48 Chrijlians being the Spouje Df ChriJlfhostld labour · forcb4jlejudgements andaffections, p.;9 Our affe!Jions tere tM thetr objet1s, p. 6o How 10 know whether we be efPoufedtoChrift or not; p.6o Encouragement and direction to thlft who are nit yetin Chnft. . p.62 Gld~tuepts of the gr4ces ofhis children, ttnd deltghts in them, · · p.64 EncoNragement to be muchinholy duties, p.66 Our care muft he to preferve or~r {elves inageod eflatefteeftom the guilt oflmy fin, p.66 chrijl whm becomes tott foul comes not empty,p.67 ExhortAtion to have communion with Chrijl, p.68 We ought to rejoyce ;, the comforts andgraces of others,,znd.ofourftlves, . There i5 a mutual! feafling betwixt chn~andhu church, . · p. 7z Reftmh!ances hetwixt cnrpora!lfeaJis,~tndthefta.ft Cbrift f!Jaketh us ofhimfelfe, p.72 What we fhould bring withus to the feaJ1 Christ maktSus, p. 77 Themeanes. toprocure an appetite to ChriTf, P·77 I LAA~ t-All · ~-~ --- -·--·-

~--~·--- --r·~-----·-·---~ -----------·- .1 , . The Contents. l --- t..../1/l kinds anddegrees of jriendj1Jip m:et in Chrift / towdrds~u church, . . 1 l A l ~he rtq'rAijit sro ·make r~p truejtendjlup ~re found i' I m Chrtjl, . . p.82 , Eriendflup ofchrift isfwcet andC61njlam, p. 84. ' \ .The ftateof the Cht~rcl~ andtvery Chriffit~n u filb. , jeefto j}tntua/1 alteratro;u, p.85 where corntption i5 not throteghly purged' and a carefoll watchkeptoverthe forJle,there after are– covery will follow amoret(angero,us diflemper, p.86 It is the d~f}ofttion of Gods children to 6eingemeou-s ip opening their ftattto G{Jd, p.87 A gracious fouie uabafedforleffirdefecls, p.39 WhAt mttmt by the.fleep ofthechurch, p.9o '1 he refem_blances betwem bodt!J andj}iritua/1jleep in their cau(es,ejfeels,anddangers, P·91 Security andjleepinejfe ofthe Chyrchin Confian. tines tim~, p.95 The jrtdgemems ofbe.ft men cannot atwaies 6e fofely relyedon, p.9 7 Steepinejfeofthe Ch;trch in theft latter ages, p.98 Signes ofajlcepy eHate, p.99 VU otives againftjleepinife, I c..A Chriftian may know how it ·i! with himfelfi, though be6e mixedwithjlejh andSpirit., p. 109 We jhoutd tU well acknowledge thttt which u good, 111 that which u evilt in diiY hearts, p. r c 8 ·Thegoodthat the Church retainedinher jleepy con– : ditirm, P·zo8 ·Gods childrmntver totally fill.fromgntce_, p.112 A Ckrijlian ti what hisheart t~nd iJJw./ird »JAIJ if, I P·U4· \ Dijfe- .

~----1-.--_l_le_Contents. f___ . D~fference b-etween a C/Jrjfliari and an hypocrite, I p.n5 ·A waki~g ftitte i! ableffid}late, , p.l l 7 ·.Metmes how to prefitvt o«rJoules i11 awakingcon– ~ dition in drowfie ri;r;es, . p. 117 cbriflidnsmuffef}teiaUy he watchfoO in the ufe of libuty,t~ndfoch things M in themfol'TJes are lawfiv!l. p. I 19 · Theexc~llmcy efawakingChr:iftitin, p.1·25 TrueCbriflians aredt{cernedby ajfirittttall tafle in hearint<Gcds ;W'Ortl, · p.I 20 Papi fls obje[Ji~n,H(IW jbouldwtk1J()Wthat theworJ is the Wordof God>ttnfivered, p.125 Why fo many Apoftatize, P· 127 AChriftiart isfortjibleofall the blejfed helps he bath to falvation, · ;-p. n 8 Thedifference between the _fieep ofa Chri flian and . dead jlerp (jfn~tttrra!l men, P· n 8 Chrift ftilt dejires afurther andfttrther communion with his Church, · . · p.I 29 The caufiof chriJls ftrangemsto as is in ourfelves, · . p.130 ,chrifl t~tkes not atlvant~tge .from the jinnes ofthe l churchtoletvuethemalttJgethcr, but fftttkes firrther ttndfort her love to them, · P·l3o Howchri f is faid to knot;ke at our hearts, p. r ;< 4 Wh.Y_ Chrift knocks rvhen /;e hdth -pcwe~ tl' open to I htm(e?fi, . · · p. r40 Theheart of" C::hriftian is the houfe and_ Temple of! .. God, . .- . p;r43 I How chriftcancOfne'1'11toth~fottle, p I43 1 ! I I How we m.-zy krtotv ·whether ·e'hrift tln~els ·in ortr , I . hearts,p.144 _ ~-1" ------- ~~=e=1 ==:::::::====-

------- -----r-- The Contents. --------- ----------- ' '·

The Contenrs. the Joules imm~rtali~y, P·'77 How trttnftendent majejly And infinite love dwelt together inChrifl, p.177 Why the Holy~Ghojle1ppearedin the fhape iftt Dove at chriJfs Baptfme, ' P·I79 church wh.Y compared tO A Dcve, P•I79 froperties ofaDove refembledto the Church,p.t8o WhAt defence Gods Church hath when it isper{ecuted, p.I 8s That Gods Church httth alwayes arefoge .in God iw the, .p. I 86 How the chu!ch is faid tohe und~filed, P· I 87 How Chrijls rightecu(n~ffe r;ot heii'Jg in the Church may yet he (aid to be thechurches, p. I 88 Bow we heingjirmers may yet hefaidto heunde(iled, p.t89 ·Chri.fts love to m jhouldm~tke m love him agait;e, P·I93 Direc1ion how afflic'1edinconfcience are to judgeof themjelves, p.194 ·chriHians are not to wrong themfelves with folft· judgi~g~ftheireffates, ·P· 1'~7 It u mt an eafie thmg to hring theJoule 11ndchriif together ;mo neA.r fillowfhtp, p•2oo F alfereafons ,excufts,ttndpretences hinder commu'- nionwithchnft, p. 20 r · Excu_(es ofthe ftejh to h)n.der our communion with chri.ft.anfwend, p.~02 Excufes of wordlings to hinder their commtiJ'I.ion wtth Chr1{fc a11-{wered~ p.204 Cat1-{es ofthe folft pretences 4ndexcufos r»hichhin- ( Jcr lfJttny ftomholy dteties, p.l07 · Helps · . ____ ,,__.

·I I I '' The Co.ntents ,. } ---;H ~lps tok~;p--tu .from puttin.{ offand ddttying holy I duttcsby falfe re~rfons andexcttfos, p. 21 t 1 That Chrtjl doth uje fometimes to leave his Church andchildren, . p.254 Ends why Chrift leaves hid child_rm. p.~ 37 . chrijiian'S wanting co-,r.fort are not to 6e ctnjured, 1 I p 2~o ~ (We ttre topPeparefor dcfertion, p 24 t '1 I The caufeofChrijls wtth-cfrawing comfort from us refts in our[elves, p-24r chriflttever '!-!together leaves theCbtt-rch, P· / 44 . chriflsgrace is thecaufe ofourgrace, .p. 245 'J/Vefinde 'experienceofthegraceofChrifl ef}etia!ly - ''vhen weflir up ourfelves toendeavour, p.z 4 6 Gods graces are fweet, p.:: 47 ~· Olitwardmeanesrvithout theSpirit ofChrifl are in- . ejfec1ua!l, p. ' 49 Chrift alway es leaves fome grace 6efore he offers to I part, P·250 Sins ofomifflon bringgriefoandjhame, p.253 chri.ft hathour ajfelfions inhis government,p.25' Clt;iflis wondt·rfolt in hisSaints and inhisgoodne.f{e·tow<ttrdsthem, p.z;7 . Tmth of~''JfeBion wilt difcovcr it felfi inoutward 1 . txpreffiom, · · . p.26o I The WtJrcfof Chrifl tboughfor thepttfenti't' 6tnot l ~f!ec1ttitll ,y entfterivardsit will be, ·p.261 Cbrijl (o leave.s his children (ometimes thttt 'their he-:/rts fitile the'tiJ for iVttnt of his prefonce, .p. 2 63 ! Car1[es 'ofthe fainting of(hrijliimfou!es, '{:>.264 lTk ·dijfert»ce '<!Jefwe-en 'the true childe of'GvJdand l '()fliers, · J>. <66 ----~~- : . _ chrift{

The Contents. chriflis many timu prejent with {he churcli rvhfn Jbejnds andfeeles it not, p. ~ 69 How me are to j11dgeojour [elves in.a .dead effate, . p.27Ii We fhoulddtpendr,tpan Cbrift mhmhefeemcs ab{ent ftomttJ, · p,~72 How to knGwGodheares o~r pra_y ers, p. :a 7; Direclions hom to c.1rry our (elves when we pray mithout.fuccejfe,orin any ejlute ofdefert;on;P•;;. 75 It is noeajie thmg to be a(ountJ Chriflian p.z 77 Governours of the church andflate compared to Watchmen, . p.278 Rea/ofls why God1tjethWatchmen, p. 279 Htow thechurch WM' wot/naed by the J<Vatchmen, · p.280 Hon1 the churches vaile is taken 41V4J, p.2 81 Why theWatchmen are the wonders ofthe Chttrch, · p.28l We are not to thinke the w.orfe ofany for the difiracesofthetime, p.185 True gracegrowes up with difjcrdties-, p.!89 Ifweftr;dnot comfort in one means we muft have ' recourfe to another. p. 2 9o Reftmbtances between Hicrujalem ttnd the Churcb, P·Z90 How t1 knDwwe are daughters ofieru(alem, p.291 we t~re to dejiretbePlAyers ofotbers, p.z9' Love-ftcke whatit is, p.2g6 How to kn6·WwetJreJickeoflove toCbriiJ, ' p.297 HIIV is·the Chur&h jAid to bee thefoirtft A11101Zg w.omm, · · , p.307 Jn wh~tt refPells the CbN.r&b ,c.Zs her {eJfi bl~cke, __ P·S~8. There

The Contents ------'-'· l · ------·- ·---------- - :There is atvondrous force in the examples ofChri- \ jlians to jlir up ~tJe tt1JOtb(r, p.3 I 3 ;The exceUem t~{e ofholy conference, p. 316 \chriftiansjhouldbe inquifitivc, p. 318 1 Whence comes tke churches fairenejc tm4er foch l feemrng foulenefe anddi(grace, p. 31 I I How we are to judge-of Gods people under feeming .. difiraces., . p 3n , 1 ch'rijlians are to improve thegiftsofothers by ~e-1 ( .ftions, , . . P·3l4 f our endeavot~rs mttjl be to make Reltgzon lovely, P·32 5 There uno envy in (jiritt~a!tthings, p.3z6 chrifl u amoft beautifult perfon, P·3 2 8 1 Chrt.ft .uhe is beautiful/and good,(ohe i; beyondall I compartfon good, P·330 1 Chrifl only w.u a King,Prieft ,and Prophet, P·33 1 ckrUls tranfcendent excellencies Jerve to draw thofl that arenot yet mChrift unto him, tmd to comfort thoftthat areinChrift, P·3l8 1hedefPerate foUy ofmoff men whochuft bafetrttn- 1 jitor1 things,andrefure chrift, , P·339 ·Chriftians ot~ght to make chrift the rule of rheir 6-hriifeinotherthings, P·343 U'lleanes t9 inable ru rightly to value Chrift and highly to ejleeme ufhim, P·544· ,There u fomewhat of God i;'J . every creature_;, I P· 3) I Why the Cht1rch iJ fo exac1 in particularijing her Beloved, . p. 351 Why Chrift u fetout by an htadofgold, p H 6 I Chrijli4ns_jboutd be futable to Ch.ift ~heir he4d, P·357• Whyt

The Contenrs. Why Chr~fo is f4idtohuve Dove1eyes, P·36'Q . The m~nifeif,1tiotJ ~f(hrifl to hu chilJrm·6y hu . Spirit in arzy of hi$ ordinarJ.ces u afwetl andd~~ JeligbtfuUmanifeftation, p. 362 chrijlsd,,Cfrine i4 fil?eet4tla formd, p,;65 .eA /1 chfijls allionsare precicw 11 p,3Q6 The/;~~ drfcovery if our jl~Jte ingrace~by Olfl' fl[. ficltontotheWordofchrift? . P•l70 cbnjl every rvay confldered is altqgetb[r lo1.1dh P·37~ phri Jf i1J h~ lll#'tjl aha.foments for us w.u majl: . lovely, . P·374 We llre to reft upPnChrijlso~edienr'· "ndrighU~tlj: · neffi, . · · P·375 .Our ·/Jeft 4j'Pfliom 1ught to. ~C fot ttpP11 Chrifl., P·376 H(Jrpfpkncnv wluther Wf lovt Cbrifl'1 P·377 M~ans wherch.Y we may le irht.fluitoJqve amil;ighly tjlteme g(Cbrift, P 384 Ends why the Chur&hi/'Jg~ner,;P 11nq p4rticul""fits ' forth theexcellmdes1jChrift, P·3 88 'Grttcethlughithenevet fo f~.a/latthejrjlyelit ii - . srowing ftill, p,,;96. V.Jt.ially God works with the m~t~rJJ, p,398 How to ile IMflfY in.ftrumu;ts to (Q/f'l/trt otf,ers, . P·40I Tht~t w.hicb moft /1il'f NJ? hoty41foc1iqlf..i (' fieke t~fter Chrift,iJ the large expii~II#PIIS './hi!- ex~il-' lencie;, · p.401 .1(.1 wh~trej}efls Cbrijli1.ns arecornpArt~ IQ Lillies; ' . . . PA- 0 7 '} I ,,._....,........ __ C.~fwt to GDdspeoplt 4g~,ifJ ~~ th(ir ill $e~fo~es : 4,d.wants.,p~408 ehrift_.---

The Contents -----~--~~~~~--~~~~~~ '- cbrtjt will 1101 be l1ng Ahftnt .ftlm hil Cburch, . ' - P·4 U . We Art to wtt't ttnd never to give over foekingof Chrift, · · Ji'·4t3 There mujl !Je union ef p~rfons to Chri.ft llefore · there c11n hecommunionwith him, p.416 From the unriNof fJ:tr perfons to chri~ comes com~ mNtJil» of'A/1 other things, · P·417 What theft words imply, lammy Beloveds.J trd my Beloved is mine, I . P·4I9 Ct~H/ts why Godt~hflnts himftlfi ftom hiJ children, ' P~4l·5 When u.foallj Chrijl rqtj-trnts after defertion, p;42) HowChrijl comes tob~ 'ours, p.427 Theriches of" chrijfit~n that· hJM Chrift to !Je hil . -portion, . p.427 ChrijfittTJS having Chri{f /or their p~rti1n fo1ulJ be contented with their Dutwt~rdcondition whAt– foeverit u, p.428 Why fomttime.r we outw4rdthings bting in chrijl, · ' p.429 Howwe t~re Chrifls Beloved, P·43o Sujferings ofthe church t~re to Clnfirmt her to · chrijf her Htubanti, . . , P•43l Th1 fweeteft communion with Chri.ft ii under the · greatejl c~offis, . . P·43~ ourgivingbur fdves tiJ chrii!·is ll fore evidence that:weareChtijfs, . · · P·43.f H_orp tfJ an(wer, ~atan when h~ ~empts tu to fin or de(faire, · · ' · .. · ' ·· ' · · P·436 JJ..e4jons why _ C,hrift mu.,Jf !Je given t1 m hefore we . cllfJgive Iter ftlvestohim, : ., · - ,p.438 ' ' . l)i-

The Contents. IJirtClisn hswttJhe ;nahleti t1 fay ,I ammy Bdo. vec1s.rndmy Bdovedis mrne, P·444 7ht extelltncy of a ChrifliAn walking in divine li,.f,ht~thove ltheT 111en, P·478 ExhortAtion ttndmcouragemtnt fir thofo who llrt notyetinChri.ft tocomeitJ, ·P·478 1ho(e who have given them[elves up to Chrift . ought not to be dtjcouraged for their infirmities, p.48o We mu.ft lil~our t~ comprehendthe1ove ofChrifl to mwhich will inahle m to fo.ffer willingly ttnd cheerfully,~ p. 48 I Chrift fouls hiJ church andpe1ple in fot p~tjfures, P·463 chrift fteJs 114 well tU breeds, p.466 Rettftns of the nuefjity of IJUT ClntimtAll fiultng in chriJfianity, P·4'7 chrifl feels hil ptoplt plentifully and fweetly_ , . P·468 Httppineje oftheft times wherein there isfoch plenty of f}irituall fuodJ ._ p.469 The .(weetnejfeofo~rlives i.s net lQ_ft by hecommi~g r~ligit~fiJ!, P·47o Hgw t4 gtt hungry appetites tl thi Satramtnt, P•494 I

'' .. . . ' \ ) \ • t ~ I ·'

----------------,-----r ' tttttttlltt ~!2~~2Sf2~tt~l2~~ *~ff2~ ~ff~~~~~~w~~~~~ SERMON I. CANT. V.I. I Garden, my Sifter,my Spou(e, I haveeatenmy hony-combewithmy hony: I have 'drunke my wine with my milke ; Eat 0 .friends, :f!rinke,yead.,·inke abundantly,ohcloved! 1 Ther bookes ofSolomon lie lnt'roduaion. more obvious and open ro common underfianding;bur as none entred into theHoly ofHolies,buttheHighPrieft, Levir.; ·!o none can enter into the myfiery of this Song of Songs , but fuch as have more near Communion with chriff. Songs ,and I efpecially .uuarriage.Songs ~ ferve to exprefie - 1 mens owne !oyes , and others praifes. So this Booke containes The mutual/ !oyes, and mutual/ Praifls betwixt I chrifl andhis church. . And as chriftand his church are the greatefi ) perfons that partake ofhumane nature,fo what- [ ·~ B foever --------------- _,_._, ..

!. =--- A Song ofSolomon. foever is excellent in the whole world, is bor– rowed to fet out the excellencies of thefe two great Lovers. . It is called S1lomons So,!Jg, who next unto Chrift,was the greatdl: SonofWifdome that ever . theChurch bred: whofe undn{bnding,as it was I brg~as the[and ofthe fea;fo hisaffettions,efpe– cially that ofLovewas as large : as we may fee ~ by his many wives,& by thedelight he fought to take in whatfoever nature could affoord• . Which affedion ofLove in him mifplaced,had , beenhis undoing, but that he was one beloved of God ; who by his Spirit raifed his foule to lovely Ob}etts ofa higher nature. Here in this argument thereis no danger for the deepell: wit, or the largeft affeCt: ion(yeaofas(1/omon)to over– reach:for the knowledge of the love ofehrift to his chtercb,is aboveall knowledge. TheAngels · themfelves may admire ir, though they cannot comprehend it. It may well therefore becalled the Song ofSolomon i the moft excellent Song,of aman of the higheCcconceir,and deepefiappre- 1 henfion, andofthe highdl: matters, The Inter– cour{e betwixt chrift thehigheft LordofLords,and his 6ejl /;eloved contrac1edSpoufe. There are diverfe rhings in this Song" that a [ corrupt heart(untowhich all things aredefiled) may take offence,; but to the pure all things are fure.Sucha fin~ull a~ufeofthis heavenly b~o~e~ jts-~r the mt~nt10nofche holy-Ghofl: Inlt, IwhiCh Is ?Y fiou_Pmg low to .us, to take adv~n1 tage to r::ufe us htgher untoh1m; that by-takmg l advantage

\ ., As_ong ofSolomon~ . , : 3 3~lvantage of the fweeteft palfag~ of our life /----• (l'r:!arriage) and the delightfullaffed:ion · (Love)inthe fweetdl: ln:mnei· ofexpreffion(by aSong) he might carry up the foule to things of aheavenlynature. Wefeein Summer,thatone Simile. heate weakens another; andagreat light beil:~g near alittle one, drawes away and obfcures the flame of the other : fo it is when the affections Simil!. i are taken up_higher to theirfit 0 bjed:, they die unto all earthly things 1 whilft that heavenly flame confumes and .wafies all bafe affections rwoefpecia!t and eatthly ·defires. Amongil: other wayes of waye! ofrmrtitJII[ortification,therebe two remarkable: fictmon.• 1. By imbittering all earthly things unts UJ, whereby the Ajft[fionsaredeaded to them. 2 .Byfoewing mere noble,excellent,&fit objeUs. Thatthe foul iffuing more largely and firong · ly intothem,may be diverted,and fobydegrees die umo other things. The holy Spirit bath chofen this way in this S8ng, by elevating and railingour ajfe[fionsand love, to take it off from other things, that fo it might run in its right channell. Irispitty that a fweet fireame fl1ould notrathc=rrun into a gt~rdm, then intoa puddle. What aihame is it,that man having in him fi.1ch excellent affeCtions, as Love,Ioy ,Delight,fhould cleave to dnrtybafe things that are worfe than himfelfe, fo becomming debafed like them'! ThereforetheSpirit of God, out ofmercy and / pitty to man, would raife up his affeCtions, by'· taking comparifon from earthly things., leading \ to higher matters,that onely deferve Love,Ioy, B :z Delight, ------------~ -------

----------------------------------------- ' 4 _ l,____ --,:-.4_S_on_~_of_s_o_lo_m_on_. ___ Delight,and Admiration. Let Gods fl:ouping to us,occafion our riling up unto hrm; for,here the greatefl: things, The Myftery of Myfieries, the Communion betwixtChrift and his church, isfet out in the familiar comparifon of a UUarrittge, that fo we might the better feeitintheglalfeof a comparifon,which we cannot fo direcriycon- 1 ceive of,as wemay fee theSun in water, who{e l beames we cannot fo directly look upon: Only 1 our care mull: be, not to looke fo much on the colours,asthe Ptcrt~re;and not lo much on rhe Pi– Elurr,ason thePer.fon it felfe reprefemed:that we lookenotfo much to the refemblance, as to the Perfon refemhled. Some would h3ve Solomon byaSpirit of Pro– phecy,totake here aview ofall the time,from his Age to the fecond comming of Chrifl:: and in thisSong,asin an abridgement, tofet downethe feverall Pajfages andPeriods ofthe church, in fe– verall ages, as containing diverfe things which are more correfpondent to one age ofthechurch I thananother.Bur howfoeverthis Songmay con– tain(we ·deny not)Aftory ofthe (hurch infeverall ! .sges:yet this hinders not,but that mqfl pA{tages ofi jt dgrees to the f]iritu4ltJldteof the chareh in eve. ry age;as mofl: Interpreters have thought. In this Song there is, . I. Aflrongdejire ~~the church if rJedrer Com. muni,n with Chrift;andthen, z. Some declinifJg againe in affection. 3• After this we haveHer recovery ar;d regain- . J ing againe.ofLove; after which, 4• The --------------------~--------------~---

--------------- --- A Song ofSolomon. 4· 'Ihe Ch11rchfols Again into a declining ofAf.. feC!ion,whereupon foUowes afortherftrange: ne!feofchrift toherthen6efore, which con– , tinues Lint ill, , 5, Thttt the church perceiving ofchrifls con– ftant affeCTion untoher, notwithftandingher unkindde_tding,recoversand cleavesfafterto · chrift thap ~ver 6efore,Chap.3. Thefe paffagesagree ~o the experience ofthe 5 befi Chrifiians in the llate of their owne lives. . This obfervation muil: carry ftrength through . this whole SonO' That 'there isthe tame relll'ardofl An Obftr'liatt6' ' . J.. o . on fiW the w'Nole thewhole Church,andofevtryparttctJlar memherm sorg. regard of the chicfeft priviledges 11ndgraces that accompany falvtttion .There is the fame reafon of every drop ofwater, asofthe wholeocean,all is water;and ofevery fpark offire,as of the wh0le Element of fire,all is fire;ofthofe Hem{)geneall bodies, as we call them, there is the fame refpect ofthe part,and ofthe whole. Andtherefore IU the whole Church is thefPoufo.D/Chrifi ,fo i5 every particularChrijiian:and tU the wholechurchdejires fii!t nearer communionwith chrift, fo doth every !particularmember. But to come to the words: I amcome intomy Garden,&c. ThisChapter is not fo well broken and divi– ded from the former as it m.ight havebin;for ie were better and moreconfequ~nt, that the Iafr Verfe of the former Chapter were added to the beginning of this. · c A N T. I V. XV I. . . uwake, oNorth-wind_~ tmd come thou South, B 3 blow '

' Anfw. Awake, aNortb.:.wind. blow uponmy Gttrden,tbat theSpices therofmAy flow out;let my Belovedcome into hl4Garden 1 audeat hii pleafantftuits. · - · And th~rfore,by reafon ofconnexion of this Chapter with the former Verfe, we will firA: fpc:~ke fomwhat ofit briefly,only to, make way for that which followes. The words containe, 1, ,_,1 turning ofChrUfs J]eech to thewinds to _ J,Jowupon his Garden .· with theEndwhy~ Thttt the Spices thereofm4Jflowout. 2. WehAveaninvitat~on ofchrijl-6y the church, to come intohuGarden, with the End, T~ eat hupleafimt ftuits. It may bea~efl:ion, whether this Command be thewordsof chrifl, or tht dpreofhis Spou.fl. The words are fpoken by Chrift, becaufe he calsit (My Garden) and the church afcer invites. l~im to eat of(Hu)plettfont.fruits,not of(Hers) yet the words may be likewife~"'J a11[wer to aformer focret defirt of theChurch ; whereof the order is this. TheChurch being fenftble of fome dead– ndfe of Spirit ; fecretly delires fome furthel' quickning. [hrift then anfyvers thofe ddires,bx· commanding the winds ro blow upon her. For; ordinarily chrijlfirft ftirs up defires, and then, anfwers the defires ofhis own Spirit,by further increJfe,as here. Aw.,kethlltl North-rvind;ttYJdcometliou South, ~ndh!ow11pon my Gardm,&-c. , For the fir!l: Point named, we fee here, that chrijl fends forth his Spiri":,With Command to allme~tnes, under the nam~of N~1th and' S'lluth– windJ , ----~------------------------------- l

Awake, 0 Noreh-win'tl. 7 wind, to further the fruitfulndfe of his church. The windisnatures fanne, what windsare to the Garden, that the Spirit of chrift, in the u{e of meanes~is to the foule l Fromcomparifan fetcht fromChrifts commanding thewinds;we may in generall obferve., That aOCreaturesJtand in ohe- · ob(ervation dience tochri(i, tU ready~~aword, whenfoerr.:erht ftona chriflr 'P eakes to tbtm. They are all as it were afleep uncomTlfanJzng tbe ~indr. tiB he awakes them.Hecancall for thewindout ofhis trea(ureswhen he pleafes, he holds them in his fifl:. . Whichmaycomf()rt all thofe that are (hrijis) that they are under one that bath all creatures at his becke under him,to doe them fervice,and at his checke todo them no harme. This drew the Vfo. Di(ciples in admiration to fay, WhAt mttnner of :.7. man is this, that even the winds and the Se tU obey ·him?And cQlnnot the fame power fiill the winds and waves ofthechurches andStates,and caufe a ~ fuddencalme,if(asthe Difciples) we awakehim withour prayers. Secondly, we fee here, rh at chriff fpeakes to winds contrary one to another,both in regard ofthe coafis from whc:ncethey blow,and in theirquaIity:but both agree in this,that both areneceffa– ry for theGarden: where we fee, That thecourfes that chrifl takes, and the meanes that he ufes with his church, may' (eemecontrary, but hy .t wifeorde– ring aUagree in the wholfome ijfoe. A profperous and an afflictedconditionare contrary, amilde and afuarpcourfe may feeme to croffe one another. Yet, fweetlythey agree in this,thatasthe B 4' I church Gb(ervatio)J /i'otn thectm. trary bla{lr ofwiltdr.

8 1 Cor.3o'll· Rom,2.a8, Vftt. 2. Rcvel.3 . :z.. · . .Awake,ONorth·w~nd, l churchneedeth both, fo chrift ufes both for the Churchesgood. TheNorth is anippingwind, and the South. achertfoing wind, therefore the South– wind is the welcommer and uveeter after the North-wind hath blowne. But howfoever, all things areours,Pttrul,Apo!!os,Ceph.u,thiPgs preft_nt ~tndto comealift,death,&c. all things worke together for goedto us)being in chrijl. Hence it is that the manifold wifedome of chrift maketh ufe offuch variety ofconditions; and hence it is,that the Spirit of(hrift is inild in fome mens Minifieries,and {harp inothers. Nay, in the very fame Minifier, as the fiate of the foule they have to deale withall requires. Sometimes againe, the peopleofGodneedpurging,and(omtimesre.frejhing, whereupon the Spi– rit of God carries it felfe fut"bly toboth condi– tions, and the Spirit in the godly themfelves clrawes good out ofevery condition; fure they are that all winds·blow them good ; and were it not for their good, no winds iliould blow upon them. But in regard that thefe times ofours, by long peace and plenty,grow cold,heavy,and fe– cnre, we need therefore all kinds of winds to blow upon us, and all little enough. Time was when we weremore quicke an4lively;butnow the heat of our fpirits are abated;we muft there· fore ta~e heed of ir, and quicken thofe things that are ready to die, or elfe in O:~ad oftheNorth and South-winde, God will fend an Eaff. rvinde that . 1 fhall dtie up all,as it is,Ho(.q. 1 ). ( ) 3· \ Again, if chrijl can raife or lay, bind up or let 1 loofe ) ----

andcome,O Soueh: loofe all kind of winds at his pleafure, then if means be wantingor fruitldfe; It i6 he thatfoyes ~~ to the clouds,·drop not, and to the winds blow not; . Therefore, we muft acknowledge him in want or plenty of rneanes.The Spirit ofchriff in the ufeof means is a ftee agent, fometimes blowes firongly,fometimes more mildly, fomtimes not at ~11, no creature hat a thefe winds in a bag <lt command;and therefore it is lvifedome to yeeld to the gales of the Spirit, though in fomeother things(assolomon obferves)it may hindertoob- Eccl. 11 • 4 • ferve the winds~ yet here it is necdfaryand pm. fi rable to obferve the winds of the Spirit. Now fo-r the cleare nndedl:anding ofwhat we are to fpeake of, let us firfi obferve, 1. Why the Spirit ofGodin theufe of the meanes is comp~tredts Jvind. And theri, 2. Why the church i>s compared to a Garden : In what Re· · l · h tt.~1 b h dl d · h 1jpech the SpiW uc ur" e . an e mt e proper pace. rit ofGodu But firfr for the wind. · compared t~ I . The windbloweth whereit lifleth,as itis,Ioh.3.8. wind. ,. So theSpirit ofGqd blowes fresly, andope– neth the heart of fome, ~nd powreth grace plentifully in them. - 2. 1hewinde (ej}ecially tlle North-winde) bath a cleanflng force; fo the Spirit ofGod putgeth · our h~arts.ftom dead werks to ferve tbe living God, making us partakersof the divinenature, 2 Pet I. " 3. The winddijperfeth, and {catterethclouds, and 1iMkes a fe renity in the ayre. So cloth the Spirir difpe1'fe fuch clouds, as corruption and Satan ·raife I I ·;

10 1 .Awake,O North ..wind, --(. raife up in the foule, that.we mayclearely f~e I · thefaceofGodin/qtM(hriH. . 4· The windhath acooling andatempringqu,zli~y, , and tempers the diftemper of nature .~as in fome hot countries there be yearely Anniverfarie winds which blow at certaine tim-es in Sum– mer, tempering the heare. So the Spirit- of God allayeth the unnaturall heats ofthe foul -in fierie Tentations, and bringeth it imo a . good temper_. 5. The wind beingfobtil fettrchetk into every corner anderany .Sothe Spirit likewife is of afearch, ing nature, and difcerneth betwixt the joynts andthe marrow, betwixt the fl~ih & the fpi. rit,&c. fearching thofe hiddetj corruptions, that nature could never have found out. 6. The winde htttha therijhing anq a fruUifying force. So the Spirit is aquicke~ing andacht:– . riiliingSpirit, and makethche heart which is as abarren wilderneffe,to be fruitfuii. 7. The wind httth a cmveying power of fweet fmels in the ayre, to cttrry thew.from one toa;'Jother. So the Spirit in the word conveyeth the feeds of Gr2ceand comfort from one ro another; it drawes out what fweemeffe is in the fpiri ~ s of men, and makes them fragrant and delight-· full to others. 8. Thewinaagdine hettres downe all beforeit, beats downe houfis Andtrees, like the Cedars in Leba– »on,turnes them upby the roots, and layes all flat.So the Spirit is mighty in operation,there is no ftanding before it : It brings downe mouo-

andcome,OSouth. ~. u I ~~~~- mountaines, and every high thing that exalt~ .it fel£e)and Iayes them levell:nay,the Romane and thofe other mighty Empires could not fiand before it. Forthefe refpeCtsand the like, the blowjng of the Spirit is compared to wind. For which end Chrifi here commands the winds to - Blow uponhuGarden. [To hlow,&c.] See here the order,linking and concatination otthingsone under ~mother,to thct profperingofapoore flower er plant inagarden; not only foyle is needfull, but ayre and wind al– fo,and the influence ofHeaven : and God com– manding all, 2s here, the winds to hlowuponhu · Garden. To this end as a wonderfull mercy to his people,it is fJid,Ho[.2. 2 2. vAndit fha/1come topajfe in that day ,I will heare faith theLord,!wi!J hearethe Beavenr ,andtheyjhtt/1heare theearth,ttnd the earthjhall heare the corne, the win~)MJdtheoyle) ttndthey jhail hear.e Iezreel. A.s theCreatures are from God,fo the order and dependanceofcrea– tures onefro~another : tb tea~hus, notonely what topray for,. but alfowhat to pray firly for, Not 0nly to pray fort he dew ofheaven, but aJ– fo for feafonable and cherifhing winds. It unot thefoyle,iut the feafonthat makesftuitfi~U;and that Non ager, fid from feafonable winds and influences. So:inj}t' j;;~~acit 1ituall things ther.e i!~t chaineofCaufes andEffects; Prayercomes fromFaith,Rom:Io. r4.Faith from theHearingofthe Word, Hearing from aPrea– cher; by whom God by his Spirit blowes upon ·the hcan,and aPreacher-from GPds fending. Ifthe God -----·------··----- 1 ' ~ l l

u. ln 'What Re. JPefls 'We neerJ thebl9'Wing of the Spirit. . _i .Andblow~ . j GodofNature ihould bt~t hinder and takeaway· one linke of natures chaine, tlle whole frame would be difl:urbed. Well, That which Chri.ft commands here,isfor the winds to / Blow upon his Garden. \ And we need blowing, our fpirits will be be- , calmed els,and fl:and at afiav, and Satanwiil be fure by himfelf, and fuch as~are his bellowe s::~ to blow up the feeds of fin full lulls in us.For,th_ere are two fpirits in the Church, the one alwayes blowing againfl: the other. Therefore, the beft . Exod,17.u. had need to be fiirred up,otherwifewith Mofes, . their hands will be ready to fall down,andabate in their affedion. Therefore we need Blowf11g. x. Inregardof our natuultinability. 2. lnregardofour dulnesand heavines cleaving to natureoc&Ajior~Ally. 3· In regard o{contrary windsfomwithout,Sa– tan bath his bellowes filled wir:h his fpit·it, · that hinders the worke of grace all they can, fo th8t we need not onlychrifts 6/ow .. ing, but alfo his fl:opping other contrary winds,thattheyblow not,Rev.7.1. 4• In regardofthee.ftateandcondition ofthenew · Covenant, wherein all beginning, growth; . and ending,is fromGrace,and nothing but Grace. 5. Becaufe oldGrace,withottt aftejb fopply, will . not holdagainjl new crojfes andtenttttions. Vfo. Therefore whenChri.ft drawes,let us run after him;when heblowes,let us openunto him, It may he the laJ!-bla.ft that ever we Jbail htwe ftom him. · I . - And\

,, Blowuponmy Garden. I iAnd let us. {et upon Duties with this encourage– ment, thjlt chriftwill blow upon us, not only to prevent us,but alfoto maintaine his own Graces in us. But 0 ! where is this fl:irring up of our felves,and one another upon thefegrounds~ But,Why is the church compttredto aGarden? .f!.!5ert. Chrifl: herein rakes all manner oftermes to ex- .Anfw. preffe himfelfe and the fiat~ ofthe Church, as it is to him, to !hew us that wherefoever we are., ' ' we may have occafi.on of heavenly thoughts,to raife up our thoughts to higher matters. His Church is his ·remple,when we are in theTemple, it is a_fieldwhen we are there ; AGarden, ifwe I ,t I walke in aGarden : Itisalfo aSpoufeand aSijler, &c. But more particularly the church is refernbled to aGarden. r. Becauf'e a@arden is taken om of the common In "¥Phane. 'J• d f}etls the wAft ground,_ to beappropriate to amorefllrticulttr church u comufe ; fo the church ofchrift is taken out ofthe pared t94 gar– wilderneffe of this waft world, to a particular den. jufe. ~n refpectof the reft,as Gofhe~ toEgypt, Ex.o/;.'2.G. wherem ltghtwas, when all elfe was 10 darknes. 'And indeed wherin cloth the churchdiffer from other grounds, but that chrift bath taken it in ~ It is the fame foy le as other grounds are ; but he dreffeth and fits it to beare fpices and herbs. z. In agarden nothing comes up 1Jttturlllly sfit felfe, but as it is planted and fet ~ fo nothing is good in the heart , but as it is planted anq.fet"by the heavenly Husbandman. We need not fow Ioh.xs.u. the wildernc:s,f0r the feeds ofweeds profper na~ I I turally,theearth is a mother to wec:Eis,buqdl:epe , . mother u --------------~~------------~1.

14 ~ Blow uponmyGarden ---~m --o-th_e_r_t_o-.h_e_r_b_s_. Sowe~ds--&-- -p-affi_t_o_n_s -g-ro-w- too -1-· Simile. 1 .Reafon. 1 rank naturally,but nothing growesio theChurch ofit felf,but as it is fer by the handof (hrtH,who is the Author,Dreifcr,and Prun\::>r ot his garden. Againe, in agarden nothing ufe.s to 6e plantedbut what is ufefull and delightfilll :fo there is no grace in the heart ofa Chriftian,but it is ufefull (as oc– eafion ferves ) both to God and man. Further, In agarden there are variety of jloJJVers andf}ices; efpecially in thofe hot coumrits: fo in aChrillian ther~ is fomwhat ofevery grace: as fome cannot heare ofacuriom flower, but they will have it in their Garden: fo ~i Chrifrian can. not heareofany Grace, but he labours to obtain it,they labour for graces for all feafons and occafions. They havefor projperity,temperttnce and fohriety;for aJverfity ,patience, and hope to fi1flaine them. Forthofe that areahove them, they have re[Pec1and ohedimce;1.1.nd forthofe under them;(utahlc tJfoge in all conditions of Chriltianity. For the Spirit of God in them is a feminary of fpiri– tuall goolll things;as inthe corruption of nanue, before the Spirit of God came to us, there was the ferninary ofall ill weeds in us:fo when there is a new quality and new Principles put in us, therewith comes the feeds of all graces. Againe, ofall otherpl~tces wemoft dtlightin cur gardens to walke there, and take our pleafore, and take care therof, for fencing,weeding,watering, and planting. So Chrifischiefe care and delight . is for his Church : he walks in the midft of the / {even golden canJlcftickes j and ifhe defend and · pro· 1

BlowuponmyGardtn. _ 1 __ 1>_ .. -j( t~aStates,it is that they may bea barbonrto his Church. J And then again, as in gardens there had wont 6. · toh:lVe fount.zins andjlreames which run rhrough their gardens : as Pttr.adife had fourc~ jlreames which ran through it: So the Church is ChTijfs Paradife, and his Spirit is afpring in the midft of ir,to refrdh the fcules ofhis uponall thdr fainrings, and fo the foule ofa Chnfl:ian becomes as awaterdgarden~ _ Soalfo,tbeir fountaines were foaled ttp : fo the 7 . joyes of the Church and particular ChrH1ians, Cam.4.u. are as as it were fealed up. v1.firanger~ it is [aid) Jhallnot meddlewith this joy ofihechurch. Laftly, A garden ftands alwayesinneed ofwee– ding and drefjing ; CQntinuaU labour and cofi muabebeuowedupon it 5 [omerimes planting, pruning and weeding,&c.So in the Church and hearts ofChrill:ians, Chrifr hath aiwayes fome. what rodo) \Ve would elfe foon beover-growne <10d wilde : In all whkh, and the like re- [ rov.' 4· 1 o. 8. I fpetts,ChriH: callethupon thewinds to 6/ow upen hi.Jg.trdm, ' Ifthen the Church be afevered portion,then, Vft 1 , WeJhou!dw,tlke tU menofa fevered condition from the world,notas menofthe world,butas Chrifii· ans, to makegood that we are fo, by feeling the gracesof Gods Spirit in [omecomfortablemea– .fure,rhat fo Chrill may have fomthing in us')that he may delight to dwell withus,fo to be fubjtct tohis pruning~nddreffing. For , It u fo _for from being an ill jigne.that chrift isat coft with us ,infolt\ I lorving . ____,_____ _...,..._--·---t---- _ _._ ·-------~~-· /

16 3· ~· Hcb,6,8, Blow uponmyGarden. ---- lowing tu with affliEiion,that it isratheraforejigDe ofhis love. For the care ofthis bldfed Husband– man is to prune us fo, as to make us fruitfull .. . Men carenot for heath and '\Yilderneffe where– upon they befiow no cofi:So when God prunes us bycroffes and affiietions,and fowes good feed in us,it is afigne~he meaAes to dwell with us, and de light in us. And then alfo, we fhould nodhivefo much for commonlibertiesoftheworld that common pe0ple delight in, but for peculiar graces, that . Godmaydelight in us as his garden. . And then let us learne f1ence, not to dejjife any mttionor perfon, feeing God can take our of the wall: wilderndfe whom he will, and make the Defart an Eden. · Againe,lct us blelfe God for-our felves., that our lot hath fallen into fuch a pleafant place, to be planted in the Church~the placeef Gods delight. . And this alfo 1bould move us to heftuitfo/1, for men wiHendure a fruitleffe tree in the waft wil– derneffe~but in theirgarden who will endure it-: Dignity jhouldmi11d tU of duty . It is flrange to be fruitldie and barren in this place that we live in, being watered with the dew of Heaven, under the fweetinAuence ofthe meanes. This fi·uitldfe · · efiate being often watered from Heaven, how fearefullyisitthreatened by the Holy·Ghofi~ that.itis neareuntocurjing andburning:For imhis cafe,vifibleChtnches, if they profper not,God ' will remove the heilge, and lay them waft, ~a- \ . . . ~ng

--~--·----------------------------------- Vpot~ my Garden. vingagardendfewhere.Sometimes Godsplants S BRM. I. profper better inBabylon,thai\ inIud.ta.It is to be feared God maycomplaine of us, as hedothof his people, Ier.2 . :u. I have planted theeanoble vine,how art thou then come to be degenerated? Ifin this cafe we regard iniquity in our heart, the . Lord will not regttrd the befi thing that cqmes from us)as our prayers, HeG.xz.x 8.He!J.I 3· We mufi then learne of himfelfe, how ::md wherein topleafe him.Obedience from abroken heart is the beft facrifice. Marke in Scriptures what he · abhors,wha.t he delights in: we ufe to fay ofour friends,would God I knew how to pleafc: them: . Chrifi teachethus, thatwithoutfoithitis impojfl- Hcb.u.G.; ble to pltafe him. Lt;t us then {hiveand labour to be fruitfull in our Places and callings; for it is the greatelt honour in this ~orld, for God to dignific uswithfueh acondition, as to make us fruit- . full. We muft not bring forth fruit t_o our felves, as t. God complaines ofEphraim. Honour,Riches,and the like, are but fecondary things, arbitrary at Gods pleafure to c'afi in;bue , tohavean active heart~frrtitfuU.fromthrsground,thiJ.t Godhath pla1J– te~ tu /or this purpofe, that we may doegood to man– kind.}hisis aruxce!fent conjiderationn3t tD prophane our calling. The bleffed man is faid to be, a tree pl~tntedby the waters fide, that hrings forth.fruit in due[eafon>but i~ is nor every fruit., not that fruit whtch c..7vlo(es complaines of, Dtut.j2.32. The wineofDragons, andthegall ofAfPes ; but good fruir,as Iohp fpeaks, Every tree that 6ringeth not orthgoodfruit,is hewne down, andcaft into theftre. \ Maq.1o. C Lafily, ' - ------·-·· --'-- -----

SB I. M. I. 6. Zach.a.~. Rev.u.a . That the Spices. &htreof ma;~ flow ouli LaA:ly,io that the Church is calledChrill:sgar– den, this may ftrengthen our faith in Gods care and protection. The Churchmay feeme ro lie ' open to all incurfions, but i't hath an invifib!~ , hedge about it,awa!i wichoutit)and awell wi thin 1· 1 it. God himfelfe is a waHoffre aGoat it, andhis \ Spirit a well of living waters running through it I ~o refrdhand comfortit. As it was fai d of ea- I naan,fo it may be faid of the Church ;7'he eye of I theLord u t-tpon it all the yeare long; and he WJters it continually. From which efpeciall care of Gods over it, this is agood plea for us to God; I am thim,fave me; I am .:1 pl antofthineowne fet– ri ~. g, norhitlg isin me, but ~hat is thine, there. fore cherifh what is thine : So for the whole Church~t beplea is good ; the Church is thine, f(mce ihWater ir,9efend ir, keep the wilde bore \ out of it. Therfore rheenemies thereof {b 111 one day know wh:tt it is to make a breach upon Gods vineyard. In the meane time, let us l-abour to keep our heartsas agarden, that nothing-that · defilethmay enrer. In which refpects thechurc_h is compared to agarden, upon which Chrifl: commands the North and South-wind. (all the I meansofGrace)to hlow. But to what en a mtljl theft winds Mow upon the Garden? _. 7hat the SpicenhereH{m:ty flow ot#; The end ofthis blowing is you fee,That theSpi~ ces thereofmayflowom;gooq things inns lie dead I andb:Jundup,unklfe the Spirit let them nut. we! e__.66e andJlow)open and}hut 1 as theSpirit blowesttpon \ • t-:5,'

----~ l That the Spices thereofmayjlowout.' 19 l ------- --- -· tu,withortt hl9wing,noflowing. There were graci- S.a a M. I. ous good things inthe Church,but theywanted blowing up and furthe~ fi"~reading, whence we may obferve,That, Weneednotonlygrace toputlift into U! at thejir.ft) OG[erv. hut likeJ-vije gr~ce to quicken ana draw forth that gntceth4t weh~ve. This is the difference betwixt mans /;/owing and the Spirits ; man when he hlowes(ifgracebenot there before) fpends all his labour upon a dc:ad coale,whichhe cannot make' take fire: But the Spirit firfi kindles aholy fire, and then increafes the £lam~. Chrifr had in the ufeof meanes wrought on the Churchbefore, andnow further promotethhis own worke. We mufl firfi take in, and then fend out ; firfr, beciflernes to containe;and then,conduits toconvay• . Thewindfirfrhlowes, and then the Spices of the churchflowout; we are.firftfweet inour ftl'T:!es ,and then fweettoothers. \Vhence we fee further~ That,it is not enough 06flrv. , to!Jegoodin eu7[elves, ouJ our goodnejfe mujl flow out;' hat is,growmore !hong, ufefull tocontinue and fl:reame forth forthe good of others. We I mull l~b.ourto I:>~.< as was faid of_I oh~) hur~ing and fhtnmg (hrijltAns : for Chnfr 1s not hke a boxeof oyntmem flmt upand not opened, but like that bo:xe of oymment that Ultlary powred out, which perfumes all thewhole houfe with thefweerndfe·of: For rhe Spirit is herein likewind: itcarries the fweet favour ofgrace to others. AChrifiian fo foon as he finds ~ny root-. ing in God, is of a fpreading difpofition, and C z makes ,

~o \ ihat the Spices thereofma1flow out. -------' --------------------~--------~ S :a a M. I. makes the places he lives in the better for him. Philcm.Jo. o/Jprv. Rev,1.s. Thewbole body is the better for every good member;aswe fee inO·mfimus.The meaneft per– fans when they become good , are ufefoll and I profitable ; of briers become Bowers; the very 1 naming of agood man calls a fweet favour, a.s prefcnting fome grace to the heart ofthe hearer. For,then wt.h.tve we /Jave to purpo(e ; when others. have occajionto hleffiGodfor ru,for conveying comfort to them hy UJ. · And for our furtherance \ herein, therefore, the winds are called upon to} ttwAkeandblownpon Chrijls Gardm. , That theSpicrs thereofmayflow 0111. Hence we feealfo)That,Where pnceGodkgins) hegoes m,anddelights toadde encouragement to en– couragemmt)omaintaine newfettersup in Religion: and doth not only give them aflock ofgrace at the beginning, but alfo helps thern to trade; He . is not only ~lph11>butomega unrothem: The Beginnirtgand the Ending. He doth not onely plan~ graces, but alfo watereth and cherifheth them;where the Spirit ofChrifr is,it is an encou– raging Spirit: For not only it infufeth grace, but alfo ftirs it up, that we may be ready prepared for everygood worke, otherwifewe cannot doe that which we are able to .doe, the Spirit muft bringall intoexercife, dfe the habits of grace will lie afleep ; we need aprefent Spirit to doe every good : not only the power to wiii,butthe will it felfe;and not only the will~but the deed i from the Spirit. Which fhould fi:ir us up-togoe l o Chrifi, that he may fiir up his owne graces in us,thartheymay flow our. Let

·. - ___,--.,_.,. > .,. • ~ Lel myBe/o'TJedcome into hisG,rden. Let us labour then in our felves to befull of goodnetfe, that fo wemay be fitted todoe good roall : as God is good and does good toall, fo mufi wefirivetobe as like him as may be. In which cafe for others fakes, we mull: pray, that · God would make the winds to blow out fully · upen us, 'Ih4t our Spices mt~y .flow out for their good. For a Chrifi:ianin hisrighttemper thinks, that he hathnothing good to purpofe, but that which does good to others. Thus far ofChrifis Command to theNorth and Sottth-windtoawt~ke ~tndhlowupon his Gt~rden, Tht~t the Spices thereof . may flow out. In the next place we have, 2. Chriflt InvitatifJn hjthe (hurth ucome into huG~trdcn.With theEndchereof,'Ioeat hu pleafont Fruit-s. Which wordsiliew,The churchesfortherdeflre 1 JJfChrijlsprefoncetodelight inthegrttmrofhuow'! spirit inher. She invites him to come and rake delight in the Graces of ~is owne Spirit. And the caJs himBeloved, becaufe all he.rI0ve is, or fuoold be imparted and fpent on Chrift, who gave himfelf toacurfed death for her. Our love f11ould run in firength no other WlY ,therfore the Church cals Chrift her Beloved. Chrifi was l there before, hut !he defires a further prefence of him;whence we may obferve;That, Whtrefoever grace u truly begun dnd .ftirrtd up, there i5 jli~afurther defire of(hr~fls prefence/and approachtng daily more and more neare to the I foule,the thinks hill? nea!enough \ to her, unttll ihe be m heaven w1th htm. The tuft. Obfcrv. C 3 . _ true I --------------~~------·~~~---~