Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Godline/Je a ` 45flerie. deepely engaged in any paflion or affection. Let us labour therefore tocoin:: with purged hearts ( it is the exhortationofthe Apofiles lames and Peter) to receive thefe Myfteries ; they will lodgeonely in cieane hearts: Let us labour to fee God and Chrift with a cleareeye, free from pafïion,and covetoufnefle, and vaine-glory. We fee a notable example of this, in the Scribes: When they were not ledwith pailion, and cove- ' toufnefle, andenvie againft Chrift, how right they could judge ofthe Gofpel,& the unfolding ofthe Prophefies to theWife-men ; they could tell aright, that he fhouldbe borne in Bethlehem but when Chrift came among them , &oppofed their lazie proud kindof life,that kept people in awe with theirvaineCeremonies,&c. then they finned againft the Holy-Ghoft,and againft their owne light, and maliced Chrift, andbrought him tohis end. So it is withmen , when their mindes be cleare; before they be over-ca ft with pa(lion, and thongaffections to theworld they judge clearely ofdivine things : but when thole paffions prevailewith them, they are oppoli re to that Truth that before they fay'', (in Gods juft judgement) filch is theantipathy & emulation ofthe heart againft this facred My fterie . The heart ofit felfe is an unfit Veffell for thefeholy Myaeries ; let us de fire God, to purge and to cleanfe them. It is laid of the Fharifec in the Golpel , that when Chrift fpake great matters, they fcoffed at him : But what fayththe Text Luke t 6.Theywerecovetou!, Let a covetous proud I) 4 man 3s I14e36.