Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

111.11111 7'igìpriefls tippirel,a type ofJhrii, 125 refines. 3. His readineífe to doe theoffice ofa Media- tour. Girding oftheattire bath everbeene a ripeofrea- dineffe, and diligence in bufineffe undertaken. So Lrikg i 2, 3 5 . Letyour leinet be girded about. 4. His mind- fulneffe and care inperforminghis office. For as not gir- ding is a figue of careleffenefle.and negligence : So girding, of care and indullry. So our Lord and high Prieft never carele(fely cal} offany poore and penitent ft,iner : But in the dayes of his flefh minded their mi- fery ; and now in heavenkeeps on his girdle, calls not off the care of his Church, but perpetually accomplish eth whatfoever is needfull for her falvatiOn. Sett. I11I. I. In thefe garments, fome things necefl'ary for Mi- niflers, force things for the people. t. All about the Priest mutt bee gold, (liver, precious flones, curious co- lours-; fignifying that novileor bafe thing mull be in the Minihers cariage or behaviour. But as the Priefts coftly garments covered the frailty oftheir bodies, and graced them in their office : fo the graces of their mindes mull not onely hide their weakneffe, but adorne and beautifie them for the honour and profperity of their fun ion. And the rather, becaufe this corrupt age is bent to dif- grace this holy profeffion, care fhould be had both of keeping out, and thruflingout vileperfans. And thole whoare in this calling fhould labour to thine in godli- neffe and vertue; which is the onely appareil that will draw the eyes ofgoed mento reverencethem. I I. As the Priefls hadvariety of holy garments : io eve ry nainifler mutt be clothed and adorned with many graces. ifevery (beep ofChrifts fold mutt acide to his graces,muchmore thePafior of the sock. Ifevery child ofGod, much more the father in the faith begetting o- thers toGod. He is not onely a difcipleof Chrih, gut ma infizrat1er of others. t-Iee mutt therefore bee bred, i. With 1. Seaver: nies for the Min; Hers. Nobzfencílè in aMiniS}er. 2. Variety ofgifts. E,cxBnTñs, tAu8n 7?LWr