Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

'54, Nazarites, 'types of Ghrif. cacy, that (with an utter refufall ofall delights offiefh) his whole intention was fet on his funUion and office, fubmitting himfelfeto forrow, curfe, &c. Befides,what courage and fortitude , did hee exprefí'e through his wholehinaion and office, in overcorming (inne, death, Satan,the Croffe,Hell, and all adverfaries ? S4m9fox the firongefiofall Nazarites was Eut a weakeling to him.; his adverfaries, flefh not fpirit; hispower, faint and fay- Iing, yea changed intow.eakenefí'e. I V. Nazarites muff not come neere the dead to touch them, nor defile themfelves by them; nor meddle with the funeralsoffather, mother, brother, fihler,or any oftheirkinred, though they might pretêd never fomuch piety,affetzìion,or good nature. Bywhich Law the Lord would teach them two things, j. That no changes of this life, nor lotieof their deareff friends fhould time them afide from their duty, or from the obfervationof the Lawof their profef1on. 2. To teach themcon- ftancy, patience, and magnanimity of fpirit in the grea- teff outwardaffliftions, and not to Phew a weakneffeor paffion inopen or exce fïive lamentation. Our Lord al- though hedid touch thedead, and was at funeralls, and weptat the rayfingofLazarus, and foobfervednot the ceremony ofNazarites, becaufe bee was no Legali Na- zarite, but was called aNazarite as being the truth and fubffanceofall the Legali Nazarites, as in all other things fo in this : Forhe onely was the Mafter,and had the true commandofall his affettions; never exceeded meafure in any thing, never was defiled by any perfon dead in time, never by anydead worke, never touchedor carne neere any fuchdefilement,whichLegali Nazarites could not avoid. V. There Nazaritesmuff be abfolved and releafed from theirVow by comming to thedoore ofthe Taber- nacle ofthe Congregationwith their offering. NHm. 6. i 3.plainly by that figure leadingus untoChrift, the only doors 4. Not touch the dead. 5 Releafed ofthe vow.