Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Clod,. T.6. v1Commentarievpore the 94 I tent of Chrill :this voice,and thefe hands are infallible di(linetions not onely of M,niflers from other men, but euen ofMiniflers among them- felues, and the maine and intolerable inconformirieof Miniflers, is the fuiting of Iaacobs voice with Efaus hands. TheMinifler bath not done hisduty when hebath pointed to others the way to heauen, and him- Idleeither (land (1111 like a flatue in theway; or elfe like the creuife,go- ethbackward :but he inull in nothingglue offence,leafl his Minitfiery be r.rees.;. blamed: yeamore,he muff be an example to the flocke: toPaul enioynes rr'm4. rz. Timothie to be to them that beleeue,an example in word,conuerfation,loue, fpirit, faith,purenes,cuén as he let himfelfe an example to Timothie , 0. Tim.3.t o. But thouhaft knownemy doftrine, manner of liuingg, purpofe, faith,long fuffering,loue,andpatience: for this example bath the force of a cat.s.rt. rule either good or bad:Peters example conflrained the Gentiles todoe like the Iewes:and Barnabas was drawne inwithhim :feealto a.Per.3.t. Now not needingTurther motiucs tó prouoke Mini(lers to labour after good life, wewill onely mention Tome meanes, whereby euery of them may becomevnreprooueable. Rules tokeepe a. Labour with thy heart to fee it felfe (ill in the pretence of God, a manvnre. ¡ and thiswill be a meanes tokeep it order; whereas otherwife an vnruly proo°`able' .. heart will brcake out one time or other. z. Haue a care ofa eood name,as well as agood confcience ; not fo much for thyowne as for Godsglorie: neither becaufe thy felfe , but o- thers (landmuchvpon ir. 3. Auoidoccafions of finnes , appearancesOf euill, Peeing thy motes ,become beam`s. 4. Study todoe thy owne dutiediligently, meddle not with other mens masters. 5.Curbe,and toner thine own infirmities,buffet thy body,and bring it in fubietlion.r.Cor. 9.vlt. 6. Dailypray for thy felfe,with a defireof the prayer and admoniti- on ofothers. Thus oughtefl thou that art a Minifler fet thy felfe a soppy votomen; hovrfoeuer the moll rent fuch coppies out oftheir books , as too precife and exa&î. Vfe. 3. Howmen are toconceiueofMiniflers,not as of men with- out fin,or infirmities, as the Apoflles confcffed they weremortali men, act.14-15, fubie& to the fame infirmitieswith others : and to acknowledge the, goodnes of-God in keeping themaltogether not from all finne yet vn- repreoueable, that is, vncainted of greiuous crimes, whereby his name and this calling (hould be highly difhonoured:whichwere it wel conlî- deredofmen, we fhould not heare fuch outcries againft euery infirmitie In