Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifileofS. Pori to Titur. CHAP.I.Ó= all thevirtues whichare required ofcommonChrillians, muff bemuch gy more in the Minifter,aseuery thing in the Saneluarie , was double to Two rulr:ob. that whichwas common ; as thecubit, the fhekel ofthe Sanéluarie. 2. Eeraabte, That all themorali vertues requiredand expreffed in the lifeof theMi- nifter,mu(l be imitatedof common Chrinians: whomuff follow him fo farre as he followes Chrift: and in his general} dutie fee their owne;both ofthemhauingbut one way toheauen.So muchofthemeaning.The do. &trinesare two. I. Themarriageof Minifiers isa lawfull, and holy ordinance of God. 2. Polygamiewas ever a thingblame-worthy, euen in the ben. Dott.t.Seeing that we arecall into the loll times, ni wherin thefpirits of MarineoEMi* aw error (hall be more rife then euer :and a.that many [hall depart and giue ,,-rimRe.rsql.t.a. Eul4 hcedc vnro them : and 3. that it iseuioyned every faithful' Teacher to arme his peopleagainit them: it is no leffe thenour dutie to warrant out ofthisplace themariage of Miniflers, againli all the impious decrees of Papilts; who that they fhouldnot want that note of Antichrift forepro- pheficd, namely, the contempt of women under a femblance of fanélitie, nan.rt.37. andchalltitie, as Hierome expoundeth it : and lean their doarine(hould not otherwife appeare to be as it is,4d.Etrineofdexillr, i.Tim.4.i.3.haue prohibitedmarriage toall orders oftheir Clergie, and admit none into their orders, without a vowof perpetual) fingle life; fromwhich if they euer after depart, they deprive themofall dignities, cut them°g as apo- fiatcs from the faith, and adiudge them if they iuftifie that opinion,euen to death it Idle. Q'eff. But why fhould they depriue themfelues of their libertie, and thecomfort ofthat eflate? it feemeth to be meere con- fcience that fhould lead them to vndergoe fuck a burden. e/fnfw. I hope to make it appeare that it is nothing Idle then confcience, eniormed by the word, by theanfwer of their cheife allegations. In themeine time, ReafapswhyfiR th among fundry other, obferue three maine bearnes which beare vp this this doarine. popifh roofe: r.goffehypocr:fe, canting themtomake a (hew ofgreater holruclicand chatiitie then all others, in which regard we may as well veeld them the title of Puritans, as they challenge the thing it idle. 2. 2 profúmptxoses pride, for by their do6lrine, heteby they feeke for a further 3 pet fe6lton then that which the law requireth ofthc .3.the maineofall is, humanepolicie: for hereby they keepe their wealth together, which, e. anaketh them able to maintaine their royall elate: a. it maketh the world to adroit ethem, loch is their pompe, andglorie: 3 by their great promotions and dignities they allure; and ally veto them the greatefl Nobles of the earth,by whom they strengthen their elate: fo as neuer could mans wit deuife a forer way tokeep their wealth;which cueryeye G z may.