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4 158 Ofthe Actions for aa,hich Vol. I. Life, and receive the due Recompence and Reward of them ; which is the Pre- potition I intend as briefly as I can to illuftrate and confirm. And, Firfi For the Illuftration of this Point, I fhall inftance in the.feveral Heads of Action, as they take their Difference and Variety from the Principle, or Matter, or Obje&, or other Circumftances of them. We mutt render an Account to this great Judge for our inward as well as outward A&ions; for the A&s of our Minds, and every Thought fpringing up there, efpecially if it be cherifh'd and entertainedby us ; for all our fecret Defigns, Purpofes and Inten- tions, as well as for the Wordswhich we fpeak, and the outward A&ions which we do : Whatever we have thought and defign'd; -fpoken and declared, accom- plifh'd and done, will then be confider'd and examin'd, and we Ihall be judged for it. Wemutt likewife give an Account of all our Civil -as well as Religious A&ions,, of our Behaviour toward Men in all our Dealing and Inrercourfe with them, as well as of our Demeanour toward God in the Duties of his moreim- mediate Worfhip and Service. The Negle&s and Omiflions of our Duty in any kind will alto cone under Confideration, as well as our Commiflions of Evil. A, ftridt Account likewife will be exacted of all Talents which God bath en- trufted us with, of all the Abilities, Opportunities and Advantageswe ever had of doing Service to God, and Good to Men, and whether we have made an- fwerable Improvements of them, for the Glory of God and the Benefit and Ad- vantage of Men. We mutt be accountable likewife for Words and Actions of lefs Moment and Confequence, as well as for thofe of greater Weight and Concernment; for thofe which were done in Secret, and in the greateft Darknefs and Privacy, as well as for thofe which were done in Publick, and in the open View and Light of the World ; for the Good and Evil which bath been done by our felves, and in our own Perfons, and for what bath been done by others by our Command and Countenance, and from the Influence of our Counfel and Perfwafion, or Example, or whichwe have been any ways acceffary to hinder or promote; and Wily, for the Manner and Circumflances of our A&ions, as well as for the Matter and Subfiance of them ; all thefe will be furveyed and firi&ly fearched into, and weighed in an exalt Ballance, that we may receive a Reward or Punifhment proportionable to them. Secondly, For the Confirmation of this, I fhall make it evident both from Scripture and Reafon. From Scripture ; which in general tells us, that God will bring everyWorlt into Judgment; and that in order thereto, God ftri&ly obferves and takès Notice of what we do that His Eyes are upon the Ways. of Man, and that be feeth all his Goings ; that there is no Dar!¿nefr nor Shadow of Death, where the Workersof Iniquity may hide thenifelves, Job 34. 21, 22. That the Ways of Man-are before the Eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his Goings, Prov. 5. 21. That he knoweth our Path; and our tying down, and it acquainted with all our Ways. Tha t thereit not a Word in our Tongue, but he knoweth it altogether, and that he underflandr even our Thoughts afar of Pfàl. 139, 2, 3, 4. That all the A&ions of Men are recorded in Books, which {hall be producedand opened at the Great Day, and the Dead, both(mall and great, fha!l be judged from thofe Things, which(hall be written in thole Books, Rev. 20.12. And more particularly the Scripture tells us,, that thole Words and A&ions of Men which teem mbtt inconfiderable, and are molt likely to be exempted, (hall be accounted for, and feverely fcan'd and weigh'd. Matth. 12. 36,37; fays our Lord there, 1 fay unto you, that every idle Word, bywhich if our Saviour do notmean every unprofitable, to be fore every wicked Word, that Men (ball fpeak, they (hall give an Account thereof in the Day ofJudgment. For by- thyJiords thoufhalt be juflifred, and by by Words thou fhalt be condemned. By which Saying, our Sa- viour delignedly confutes an Opinion, too current amongmany, that MensVVords fignifie little, and that no Account will be taken of them at the Day of judg- ment, that God will not be ib fevere as to make them Matter of Charge and Accufation, and to punifh us for them in the other World ; and therefore to obviate this Miftake, he purpoicly adds, For by thy Words thou fhalt be juft fi'ed, 3 and