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Ib2 01 the Sentence, to be pa f 'd Vo1.II. nothing will be Matter of Comfort and Rejoycing to us, but the Teflimony of our Confeiences, that in all Simplicity and godly Sincerity, we have had our Converfation in the World. 4. This Ihould make us faithfully to improve all theTalents and Opportunities which God affords tous; becaufe we are but Stewards, and mull give an Account of them. We are apt to covet great Wealth, and to afpire after great Places and Power; but do wé confider what it is that we foeagerly delire and purfue? All this will but bring upon us the Burden of a greater and heavier Account, if we do not improve thefe Talents and Advantages to the End for which they were given, to relieve the Wants of the Poor and Miferable, and to ferve the great Ends of Religion and Virtue; and if we fail herein, a dreadful Account will be exa&ed of us, and we {hall with that we had been the pooreft and meaneft, the most ignorant and unlearned Perfons in theWorld. 5. This fhould reftrain from uncharitable Cenfures of others. Thou art there- fore inexcufable, 0 Man, whofoever than art, that judgefl another : for thinkefi thon, that thou (halt efcape the judgment of God? as the Apoftle reafons, Rom. 2. I. 6. This may help to fupport us under the unjuft Cenfures and Reproaches of Men. If we be innocent, God will one Day bring forth our Righteo'ufnefs as the Light, and our fudgment as the Noon-day. With me, faith St. Paul, r Cor. 4. 3. it k a very fmall Thing that I fhould bejudged ofyou, or of Man's judgment. He that judgeth me is the Lord. It is defirable to approve our felves and our A&ions to Men : but if we cannot, it is a great Satisfa&ion to approve them to our own Confciences, and to God who is greater than our Hearts, and knows all Things. Laflly, This will teach us not to meafure our Condition by the goodOpinion which others have of us; but by the Law of God, which will be the Standard and Meathreof our Judgment. He will confider every Thing exa&ly, and weigh all the Circumftances of our Cafe, and make all the Allowances that Equity requires. Men can but judge according to Appearance but the Judgment of God will be according to Truth ; therefore we (hould above all labour to be ac- cepted of him in that Day. The Fifth Sermon on this Text. S 1--4; R MON CXXVIII. Of the Sentence to be pafs'd at the Dayof Judgment. C o R. V. 10. For we muß all appear before the Judgment Seat of Chri/t, that every one may receive the Things done in his Body, according to that he bath done, whether it be good or bad. IProceed to the Fourth and Loft Proportion contain'd in the Text, viz. That at the Day of Judgment, Sentence thall be pafs'd upon Men according to the Nature and Quality of their A&ions done in this World, whether good or evil. The Reward of Happinefs or Mifery which Men (hall be fentenc'd to at that Day, (hall bear a Proportion to theGood or Evil which they have done in thisLife. In the Profecutionof this Argument, I (hall enquire into thefe two Things, Fill, What Proportion the Rewards of the next World (hall bear to theA&i- ons of Men in this Life. Secondly, The Grounds and Reafons of it. And then make force Application of this Truth to the Confciences ofMen. Firfí,