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Chap.5. acading to SL M A T T H vv. 97 our forrow,by fome (harp ficknes : as he did Gehezi, whole white fore-head had made him a white foul,his difèafecuredhim, as fome are ofopinion. Po(feffed with devils.]_ Such aswhole mindes and feules the de- vil perverted. Thofe that werelunatikg.] Or Inch as had the falling-Gck- neffe, as appeareth by thofe fÿmptomes of this difeale, fet down by St Matthew, Chap.'7.17. This is otherwife called Morbus fäcer. For the Priefls of old (that they might thereby enrich them- felres) feigned, that the gods tormentedmenwith this, among o- ther ludden and fearfull difeafes. Verle 25. And thereplowedhimgreat multitudes.] A good hcufe- keeper fhall not (likely) want company. O thou that hear- eft praiers (and fo follicitefl futers) to theeJ7Il all flefb come. Chrifls miracles drew multitudes after him, then; and (hould 4i11 aflec`f us withadmiration and thong affeClion to the Gofpel, as the Authour to the Hebrews fheweth, Heb.2.3,4. CH A p. V. Verle i. e Andfeting the multitudes,] A S Cheep without a fhepherd, or as corn ripe andready, fal- ri ling, as it were, into the hands of the harvea-man. The children cried g.- bread, and there was none to break it. His eye therefore affei ed his heart, and out of deep commi- feration, He went up into amountain.] This Mount was his pulpit, as the whole Law was his Text. 1 t is faid to be in the Tribe ofNeph- thali , and called Chriis mount to this day. As Mores went up into a Mount to receive the Law : fo did Mefas to ex- pound it, and fo muff we to contemplate it. Surfm cords. Winde we up our hearts, which naturally bear downward, as the poyesofaclock. findwhen he wasfet,] Either as being weary, or as intending a longer Sermon. Thisat his firfl onfet upon his office, and that attiis lafl ( when he left the world, andwent tohis Father, yell. 14 1 5,16,17.) being the longef and liveliefl that are recorded in theGofpel. He preached (nodoubt) many tines, many hours together. But as his miracles,' fo his oracles are no more of them H written, Sculret (vere. Evan 1 z. c. r1, ß o. rig.ling.latirra. Pf.i1.G z. Lam.q,. iii$,of holy warre,f 3 r.