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Chap.. concionamini moribus : 0ç807-oyfi'm 60c7rod'e17t: J.s5.ev72s arPyexTx'vs, ET1ovsTd2.1x7)s: Sicvocalifmi eritis pracones, etiamcum tA- cetis. Speaknor, but live Sermons, preach by your pra hce ; the lifeof teaching is the life ache teacher. Verfe 3. /Miffed.] The word fignifieth fuch ss are fet out of tta,sie<ot, goat! the reachofevil, in a moil joyous condition, having juft caute to FG31xnei be everlaftingly merry, as being, beati re & file, bleffed in hand Nevot : vet and inhope, and fuch as alai! fhortly tranfire á flue ad sheciem ,, QHV. rift"' for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. They are already pofleft of ir, as by tuff and twig. There were eighty opinions among Heathens about mans bleffednefle. Thefe did but beat the bufh God hath givenus the bird in this golden Sermon. Are the poor in ffiirir.] Beggars in fpirit : fuch as have nothing Mendioi f iri- at all oftheir own to fupport them, but being niftily needy, and tu.Tercul,N not having (as we fay) a croffe wherewith to blefle themfelves, au/. get their living by begging, and fubfifl merrily upon alms. Such Qú f aatum vi beggars God hath alwaies about him, Matth. 26. i I. And this ,Avctxr, hi the Poets hammered ar, when they feigned that Lita or praiers paapererJpiritu were the daughters of ?upiter, and ftood alwaies in his pretence. Homers Lord,I am hell, but thouart heaven, faid Hooper, I ama molt hy- ib .t SdosMon, pocriticall wretch, not worthy that the earth fhould bear me, faid ibid. Bradj rd. I am the unmeeteft man for this highoffice of fuffering for Chrift, that ever was appointed to it, faid fincere Saunders. Oh that my life, and a thoufand fuch wretches lives more ( faith yohn Careleffe, Martyr,in a letter CO M. Bradfard) might go for yours ! Oh ! Why dochGod fuffer me and fuch other Cater-pil- lars to live, that can doe nothing but confume the alms of the Church, and takeaway you foworthy a work-man, and labourer r tbid, in theLords vineyard ? But woe be toour fins, andgreat unthank- 1744. fulneffe, erc, , Thefe wereexcellent paterns of this fpirituall po- verty, whichour Saviour here maketh the firft ; and is indeed the firft, fecond and third of Chriftianity , as that which teacheth men tofinde out the belt inGod, and theworll in them- felves. For their's is the hingdome of heaven.] Heaven is that true Macaria, or the bleffed Kingdom : So the ¡Rand of Cyprus was anciently called, for the abundance ofcommodities that 4t fendeth forth to other Countries,of whom it craveth nohelp again. Mar,. cellinus, to thew the fertility thereof; faith, That Cyprus abound- echwith fuch plenty of all things, that, without the help of' any H a other According to St M A T T H VV. 99