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IC4 Commentary upon the Glel Chap.5. parted. That is in Chrift for us, being wrought by his value and. merit, and is called the righteoufnefleof juftification. This is in us from Chrift, being wrought by his vertue and fpirit, and is cal- led the righteoufnefle of fanctificarion, Both thefè the blefledpan muff hunger and thirft after, that isearneftly, andafiUim defire, t C;ró.z L. R. as Rachel did for children, the muft prevail or perish, as David did after the watcrofthe well of Beth', hem, to the jeopardy of r, r c c Sc the lives ofhis three mightieft : as the hunted Hart, or ( as the A! ii,c,c,de b%t 1 Septuagint readeth it) H..nde hraiethafter the Watef brook!. The auim»t. t 6 c,9. Philofophers obferve of the Hart or Hinde, that,being a beafl thir- I_ucccr.acl, a. fty by nature, when fhe is purfued by dogs, by reafon ofheat and Oppi.m.t;b.a. loffeof breath, her thirft isentreated. And in females the paflïous. Pr:l t ; o, are ffronger then in males : fo that fhe breaths and braies after the brooks, with utmoft defire : fopanteth the good foul after Chrift, it panteth and fainteth, it breatheth and breaketh for the longing that it hath unto his righteoufneffe at all times. Shefainteth with l Sam, ;o. rr. Ionathan , fwooneth and is Fick with the Spouse, yea, almoft dead with that poor affamifhed Amahkite. And this fpirituall appetite and affection arifethfrom a deep and due fenfe and feeling of our want of Chrift, whole Chrift, and that there is an abfolute necefiity of every dropofhis blond. There muff be a fad and fKri- cus confideration of mans mifery, and Gods mercy. Whence will arife (as in hunger and thirft ) I. A (elite ofpain in the ftt`- mack. z. Awant and emptineffe. 3. An eagerdefire of fupply fromChrilt,who is the true breadoflife,and heavenly Manna; the Rock flowingwith honey, and fountainof living Water, that re- viveth the fainting fpiritsofevery true IonathanAndSatn(n, and makes them never to thirft againafter the worlds taftleffefooleries; Like as his mouth will not water afterhomely provifion, that hath lately tatted of delicate fuftenance. pfal.g i.17. They 'halldefatiefied. ] Becaufe truedelires are the breathings Pena. of a brokenheart, whichGod will not defpife. He poureth not the oil of his grace, but into broken vcfiels. For indeed, whole Thedefire of vefiels are full veffels, and fothis precious liquour would run over, and be ípilt on the ground. There may be Lome faint delires (as ofwithers and woulders) even in hell-mouth ; as Balaam deli- red to die thedeath of the righteous, but liked not to live their life: Pilate defired to knowwhat is truth, but ftaid not to know it: That faint Chapman in the Gofpel, that cheapen'd heaven of our Saviour, but was loth to got to the price of it. Thefe were but fits the flothfull killech him' (ic Emus 1.2$. Mat.l¢, 22.°