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732 A Comnaentdry upon theGo[Pel Chap.y. Nefcit Ssriptu- sæ vet breve rota [acne. Prov. Heb. t e. I. Nec mortfere, ree mortu.e Non mortifere', utrut4 martU e. Et motu-e, y morrtfer ,e. äla 1, t aaacbiu,. Prideaux. 4tÿ. Onejot] Which is the leaft letter in the Alphabet. Iren¢su caliethit a half- letter ; and Luther rendreth this text, Ne mini- ma guidem litera,not much as the leaft letter. Or one tittle] Not a hair-ftroke,an accent on the top ofan He- brew letter, the bending or bowing thereof, as a little bit on the topof a horn. The Maforites have lummed upall the letters in the bible;to Phew that one hair of that facred head is not perifhed. Sb, II in no wife pafie from theLaw.] The ceremoniall Lawwas a fhadow o fgoodthings to come, faith the Apofile : this good thing was Chrift. When the Sun is behinde,the shadow is before : when the Sun is before, the fhadow is behinde. So was it in Chrift, to them ofold faith one.) This Sun was behinde, and therefore the Law or fhadow was before. To us under the Gofpel, the Sun is before, and to now the ce;emonies of the Law (thole flaadows) are behinde, yea vanifhed away. Before the paltion ofChrifl(where- in they all determined) the ceremonies of the Law were neither dead nor deadly,fai h eA9uinae. After the paflion,tíll fuch time as the Gofpel was preached up and down by the Apaftles, though dead, yet(for the time) they were not deadly. But fìnce that, they are not only dead,but deadly to them that ufe them, as she Jews to this day. As for the Moral! Law, it is eternall, and abideth fir e- ver in heaven, faith DRvid. And albeit Tome fpeciall duties of certain Commandments shall ceafe when we come to heaven; yet the fubftanceofevery one remaineth. We live by the fame Law ( in cited ) as the Saints above doe ; and doe Gods will on earth, as they in Heaven. God himfelf cannot difpenfe with the breach of thole laws, that bemorali in thetnfelves (becaufe hehath finby nature,not by precept only) fiuh are all the ten Commandments, but the fourth. The fourthCommandment (fay Divines) is morali by precept,not by nature : and fo, the Lord of the Sabbath may difpenfe with the literall breachof the Sabbath. Of all the morali Law, it is the opinionof fome of ourbelt Divines, that lnce the comming of Chrift it bindeth us not, out of any fore -going infti rucion, as delivered co Mofes in the mount; but as it is agreeable to the Lawofnature,which is common toJews and Gentiles : and as it was explained.and confirmed by our Saviour Chrift in the Go- fpel. To conciude;the miniflerials ofthis Law (hall paffe away, to- gether with rhis life t the fubftantials fhail pate into our glorified natures,and fhine therein,asin a mirrour for ever. Vetfe Whefoever therefore (hall brea{L ohe of there leaf Commandments