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15 2 cí4 Commentry upon the .GofJ'el Chaps. g yxrl:,r. cìyn Fcójev: ií A ;gñr c peJuu l.3- Eu,,p d. dugalltn. Laws, vows, oaths, all Are foluble,aud faleable at Rome. Perjury plena Ndpiving exitül, ut%.a1óÿ QC- decue. Po';il, Fonccÿ ; been.. Turk.Hifor, fol. as) ]. take the forfeiture. This Davidunderftood, and therefore upon hisadultery, criedout, Againff thee, thee only ( that is, chiefly) have Ipoled, anddane this evil in thyfsght, Pfa1.5 i.4. A fifa it is againft the father, whofe Covenant is broken;againft the fon,whofe members are made the members ofan harlot, and againft the holy Ghoft, whore temple is defiled, t Car. ç. Verfe 33. ThouJhalt not farfwear thyfelf. ] An oath is, öpx0- q:.afi sxra- , a hedge which a man may not break, It muff not be takenwithout necel?ìty. Hence theHebrew Y <ti) Nifhbang is a paflive, and figrifieth to be fworn, rather then to fwear. For if the doubt or qu:Ilion may be afloiled, or ended by Verily, or Tru- ly, or fuch naked afleveracions, weare, by the example of our Sa- viour, toforbear an oath. But having fworn, though to his hurt, a man Inuit not change, Pfal 15. 4. upon pain of a curie, yeaa book full ofcurfcs, Zech.5.3,4. It is not for men to play with oaths, as children doewith nuts : to flip them at pleafure, as mon. kies doe their collars : to fnap them alundcr, as Samfn did his cords. it was an impious and blalphernous fpeech of him that laid, My tonguebath !'thorn, but my mina',' is unfworn. And whocan but detect that abominable docirine' of the Prijrifliani><ti ofold, and their heirs the Jefuites alate, `aura, perjura, fecretumprudere noli. Godwill be a fwift witnefle againft perjured prrfo-s, Mal. ;. as thofe that villainoufly abufe his Majefty, making him anaccefla- ry, yea a partner in their fin, thinking him like theinfelves, and thereforecalling him to juftifie their untruths. Had Shimei peace, that brake h,s oath to Solomon ? Or Zedekiah,that kept not touch with the King of Babylon ? Or Ananias and Saphira, that but uttered anuntruth, fwore it not ? God punifheth perjury with dcftruítion, men, with difgrace, faith a fragment of the twelve Tables in Rome. The e/£gyptiansand Scythian: punifhed it with death. So did Philip Earl of Flanders, and others. But where Men have not done it, God bath hanged up fuch with his own hands, as it were, as our Earl Godwin : Rodolphus Duke of Sue- via that rebelled againft his mafter Henry Emperour of Germany, towhom hehad fworn allegiance : Ladeflaus King of Bohemia, at the great battell of Varna, where the raging Turk (provoked by his perjury) appealed to Chrift : Michael Paleologus Em- perour of Con.tantinople, who for his perjury, andother his foul And faithlefle. dealings, liethobfcurely fhrowded in the fheet o defatng