Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.g. feem n ll nao der. Thole that bufe earthly Princes in their name and titles, are imprifoned, banifhed, or hanged as trai- tours. And (hall thefe goealtogether unpunifhed ? Hell gapes for fuchmifçreants; e3 c Neither by.heaven ] As thet'12anichees and Pharifees did,and held it no Panne. But God'only is the proper objeft of an oath, /A65.16. Ier.12.6. The nameofthe creature (fay forme) may be inferred, the atteflation referred to God alone. But they fay better, that tell us, that.the formof an oath isnot at all to be in-, dired or oblique, in the naine of the creatures Albeit I dou"an not, but he that fweareth by heaven;tweareth by him that d'veile h in heaven, &c.- And forasmuch as God clotheth hi:nfelf with the creatures, Prl t o+. 's is fit for us to fpit upon the K.ngs toy- all robes, efpecially when they areupm his back.? But toratinuch rhefí; .0 as we muff fhun,andbe flay.of the very Phewand fhadow of finne-- they doebell and fafèft, that abflainfront àll oaths of this nature They doe very ill that iwear by this light, bread, hand, fire (which they abfurdly call Gods Angel) by S. e4nne, S. George, by our Lady, 6--c. by the parts of Chrift, whch they tubilitute in the room of God. The barbarous fouldiers would-not break hisbones, but thefe uaifcreants with their carrion mouths rent and tear ( O caufe of tears !) his heart, hands, heed, feet,. and all his meule bers afunder. Let all suchconfider, that, as light a matter as they make of it, this (wearing by the creature, is a f rraking of Gad, Jer.5.7. a provocation little leffe then unpardonable. ib. an ex- poling Gods honour to the fpoil of the creatures, which was ct.e Heathens finne, Rom. I. 23. An abating the:mfèlves below the meaneft creatures, fir menverilyfwear by thegreater, Heb.6.16. And the viler the thing is they (wear by, the greater is the oath, because they afcribe thereto omnifcience, po-wer to punifh, juftice, An a.14;. &e. Befides aheavy doomof unavoidable deflruftiondenounced Z`pi. 3'3'4ís' againft tùch. They that (peak in favour of this fin, ailedge, a-Cor. ob. 15.31 But that is not an oath, but an obteflation, I. d. My so;, sorrows and fufferings for Chrift would teflifie, if they could (peak; that 1 diedaily. And that, Cant.3.5. where Chrill teem- Ob., ech to fwear by the roes and hinder ofthe field. But that is not an Sol. oath neither,. but an adjuration. For he ehargeth them not to trouble his Church. Or if they doe, the roesand-hindcs shall re- Ilifie againfl them, because they doe, what chafe would not, had they reafon as they have. In like fort Nlofes atteftethheaven and Ob. earth, according to Sr M A r T H a vv. I'S