Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

15 $ A Commesstary opus theGofliel Chapas Be(h trop the.bones. This one God andfather ofact, is not only above all, and from his throne be.holderh all that's donehere be- low, but-alto through all, .and inyouall, Ephe1:4.6. Thereforeno corner can fècret us, no cranny of the heart can efcape his eye : AR yvu u, things are,(for theoutfide) naked, and ( for the infide) open, diffe- Cìed,quartered, and as it were, cleft thorow the back-bone(as the dx,x1ç word fignifieth ) before the eyes ofhimwith Whom 7'cdeal. rye, i o,4, ; . Neither by ferualem, farit is the City of thegreat King] The place of his re$, the feat of his Empire, and they the peopleofhis xa.,1; 'rS7t=Cr praife,and of his purchafe. Glorious thingsare fpoken of thee ,thou ,,ror,'ios2.S:pc. City of God. There was the adoption,and theglory, the covenants E to* a 5.ç, and the giving ofthe Law, theferviceof Godand thepromifes, &c. Rnn 9.4. Conftantioople was acknowledged by Tamerlane to be, forher fìtuation,anImperiall .City,and filch as was made to command. the Argentina, world : Serafbòrough inGermany,is called by Lome,compendium, coet Rtodrg. Orbis, an abridgment of the world. But lerufalem, by a better Lam. '.., Authour, is (tiled Princeffe ofProvinces,the joyof the whole earth, trfa48 s the pleafant land, &c. It muff needs bepleafant, where God him- Di" R 9' fdf was re1an7. But how is thefaithftell City become ahar=,ic. 'lot? It was fullofjudgement ,rigrhteoufnejelndgedinit, but now murderers. Her fslver is becomedrofe,her Heine mixt with water. Bethel is becomeBethaven, and leru 21em turned into k,çr. I tfell again into the power of the Tterk r and Infidels, Anna 1 2.3.4. (afterthat the moil warlike fouldiers ofEurope, had there, asit were, one'cotnmon fepulchre, but an eternall monument of their tnif`uided valour) and fo remaineth í+i11, a poor ruinous City,governed by one ofthe Turks Sanzackr,and for nothing now rint,i5 Hi_ more famous then for the fepulchre dour Saviour, again repaired poy.fot ,o:. alìd much vifited by the Chri(tians, and not unreverenccdby. the Berro.En' ui. Turks.them(elves. There are not found there at the time too. p. i 5 houfholds of Jews, and yet- there are ten or. more. Churches of Chri(t ians there. sá animatiur Ofthe great King ] The Jews-much admired the greatrefl'eof (d'xit xtno. Herod, and -elpecia ly of -theRonrsnes, whole tributaries. they pharer)piigere .were at this time. Our Saviour mindeth themof a greater then dire.ur Drum there, Otie that is great, greater, greáteft,grearnefleittea. N bu- pram!re<ut dunio t . dcoi,pn- .chadnezzar ftilethhicnfelf the great-King, and bragsof his Babel. gerext,juia, ei The rich miter.thinks himfeif no ftnali thing, becaufe of hisColin- trey of Corn. r elhaJbuerofh taketh f }ate upon him, becaufe he +heat animati reignedfrom, India to Ethiopia. Dariui.his flatterers held it meet, that