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164 4 Commentary upon theGoel Chap.g. daily pray, Butdeliver us from thatevil one,and yet entertain him by this fin. Or rather, as othercopies and our Tranflation have ir, theyfall into condemnation. And at the lafl day, when the mailer Tú ex1vdi0,,,, of the harvefl (hall gather out (Allis kingdom all fuch botches and Mat,i3,41, 5g. fcandals, he will fay to the reapers, Gatherye fey,ff the tares, and binde them in bundles ( [wearers with fwearers, drunkards with drunkards,t c. finners of a kinde with their fellow - finners) and cart them into thefire,there (hall be Weeping andgnafhing of teeth. Good therefore is the counfel of S. lames. hove all things,my brethren,fwear not, Whatever ye do, look to that : 'tis a fenfe. leffe finne, and that which maketh the tongue to become, not a City, not a Countrey, but a world ofiniquity, Iam.3 6 It is the devils hookwithout a bait, as having neither profit nor pleafure (many tires) to draw to it ; and that's no fmall aggravation. The devils fell without a tempter, and are therefore left without a Sa. viour. Other finners utuallykill not till provoked, fleal not till for- ced,whore not till entìfèd. But what bath God done co thefemon- flreus men,that they fhould tfius fly in his face, chop (as much as they may,) his heart in peeces, and upon every !mall occafion (hoot loch chain-fhot, as if' they would make the windows of heaven to (hake and totter? WhnNaboth was Paid to have blafphemed, Jezabel proclaimed a faf . When our Saviour was accufed of that finne, the High. Prieft rent his garments. When Ra6Jhal eh had done it indeed, Hezekiah fell to his prayers, and humbled himfelf before God. Did thefe doe thus for others,and wilt not thou doe as muchfor thy felt ? God hath againfl thee, and is comming out ar- med with plagues and power. Oh meethim, upon the way, with entreaties ofpeace, as Abigail did David, as Jacob did E¡du quenchhis flames with flouds of tears. LearnofShimoi (when he had reproachedDavid, and knew himfelf obnoxious) tobe with God with the flit, as he was with the King, a Sam, r9. t 8,1g,xo. and as Iofephsbrethren fupplicated him for grace, whom they had reviled and mifufed,_ Gen.5o.17. do you the like. This doe,or you are undone for ever. This doe and doe it ferioufly, and God mutt either forfwear himfelf, or forgive thee thy fwearing, if thou for-. goe it. Gellius lrbao, Verfe 38, rehave heard that it hath been[id, An eye f r,an eap. t. eye, &c,] This law of like for like ( which all() was in ufe among the ancient Romanes) the Scribes and Pharifees had abided and detorted from. its proper fence of publike Juflice, to private re- venge ;.