Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

1$6 A Commentary AO; the Go(frel Chap.6*. And as he made a gain of the famine, and bought tiEgypi : fo -peas tbeatruoi may we of the poor we relieve , and buy heaven , Luke 46. q pawl-abet in Rom. 2.10. latebrùBucer. Verfè 4. Thy father that Teeth infecret.] And belt 2ccepteth uarópea)`µ. Thaler Werra. of fecret fervice, Cant, 2.14. 0 thou that art in the clefts of the Batas, num ta rock,s, let mefee thy face, let me hear thy voice,& :. He is all eye, ieretVeSt hod he fearchech the hearts, and trieth the reins, thole aloft abt}rufè roo iojuftè agef, and remoteft parts of the body, feats ofTuft : Andas he is himfelf relliandir, a Spirit fo he loveth to be ferved like bim`elf, in Spirit and in tie eogitans a *dew, 9, truth. HePets his eyesupon fuck (as the word here fìgnifeth ) gNi7eiv zni# he looked) WiPubly, fixedly, /giddily ; heTeeth thorow and thorow a.a,ev "'as our fecret fervices, not to finde faults in them ( for fo he may loon ab aalisiendo donot a few, but thole hewinks at, where the heart is upright ) ocutoi. ßc , but toreward them, as a liberall pay-matter, rich to all that call upon him, or do him any other bufineffe. "Who is there even a- mongyou, that _lbws the door fir nought ? that kindleth fire upon mine altarflrnought ? Mal., that gives acup of cold water, and bath not his reward ? David would not ferveGod on free colt; but was he not paid for his pains, and had his coil in again; Withufìary, ere the Sunne went down ? Let himbut refolve to con- pral 3 a.q. fefïe his fins, and God (or ere he can do ir) forgiveth him the iniquityofhisfnne, that in it, thatdid molt gall and grieve him. him but purpofe to build God a houfe, God promifeth there- upon ( for hisgood intentions) tobuild D avidanhoufefor ever. So little is there loft by any thing that is doneor fuffered for God: He fends away his fervants ( that do his work maa' tisanes, and the worldnever thewifer) as Boazdid Ruth, wich their bofome full ofblelíings ; as David did 1J'fephiboJheth, with ,a royals re- venue; as Sp/oraaondid the QueenofSheba, with all the -de re of her heart_; as .Caleb did his .daughter etchfah, with upper -and netheriprings; or as once he did Mores from the Mount, with his face fhining. He !hone bright, but knew not of it, yeahe hideshis.glorified face with avail, and hadmore glary by his vail theta by hisface. How faire are thole fpirits from this, which care only be icen ? And fleighting Gods fecret approbitidn, with only to da,zle.others eyes with.admirati,n, not caring for an'. known riches ? Our Saviour (befides the vail of his humanity ) Joh. :7.4; faies, Seeps tell no:anan. Its enough for him, thathe can fay to ins father, J have glorified thee en earth : I have ftnifháéd the Workjlaat.ti itgw at me ,to do. His workhevecounts a gift ; his wages